  • 學位論文


Design and Integration of SharePoint Form Service and Reporting Service


一間大型企業中,會有大量的申請表單,而在這個e化的世代,如何將大量的傳統紙本表單電子化,且在電子化又不能耗費超過紙本表單的成本,這對一間企業來說相當重要。除此之外,一間企業中,每天會由表單產生不勝數的資料,因此,資料的統整並呈現也越顯重要,而報表是透過表格、圖表來呈現資料,透過報表可以讓人更容易理解資訊。報表是企業管理的基礎,對於一個決策者來說,他所希望看到的是一份安全、可靠的報表資料,使得決策者只要透過報表就能洞悉企業營運狀況。因此,如何快速開發電子表單,以利企業使用,並且將表單所產生的資料透過報表更動態、準確、快速的方式去統整並呈現,就成了一個重要的議題。 利用SharePoint平台作為電子表單與報表服務的入口網站,我們將透過InfoPath來做為申請的電子表單,可以快速開發出電子表單,並且將資料直接存入資料庫。我們並利用SQL Server Reporting Service來做為報表服務工具,不僅可以快速設計各種樣式的報表,也大幅減少了以人工方式整理資料的時間與統計錯誤的機率。透過SharePoint平台,InfoPath提供了e化所需要的電子表單,而SQL Server Reporting Service則呈現評估決策所需要的報表。


In a large organization, there is a vast amount of forms for all kind of business process. In this modern age, how to digitize all these forms that are currently in paper form without spending a large amount of money is vital to the organization. Along the process of digitizing paper forms, large amount of data will be collected daily. Thus how to summarize of the data is of increasing importance. Through the use of reports, we can present data with tables and charts. Through the use of reports, manages can get a hold on the information more easily. Thus reports are in fact a vital piece in daily management. From the managers’ point of view, they would like to ensure the reports they see are secure and accurate. Based on these reports, decisions can be made. Thus, how to develop e-forms rapidly to fulfill all kinds of business purpose and on the other hand generate dynamic, accurate reports in a short amount of time becomes an important issue. By using Microsoft SharePoint platform as an enterprise portal to provide InfoPath form service and reporting service, we can develop InfoPath forms rapidly and have the data stored into database directly. We also use Microsoft SQL Server Reporting service to provide reporting solution, so that we can design various kind or reports in a short amount of time, greatly reduce the amount of errors that are caused by handling data processing with human power and shorten the time needed. Through the SharePoint platform, InfoPath forms provide the e-forms system that we need and SQL Server reporting service provides all the reports that are needed in our management process.


[5] 劉力宇.(2012) SharePoint電子表單與工作流程設計實作. 桃園縣(為出版之碩士論文)取自私立中原大學
[2] Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services。取自 http://www.microsoft.com/taiwan/sql/reporting/productinfo/overview.htm。
[6] 胡百敬,尹相志.(2011). SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services 報表服務
[8] BatesSeth, & SmithTony. (2010). SharePoint.2010.Users.Guide. Apress.
[1]Microsoft InfoPath 2010產品指南。取自http://www.microsoft.com/zh-tw/download/details.aspx?id=5829。


莊佳宏(2013)。SharePoint ISO 工作流程系統設計實作〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201300554
李家華(2013)。SharePoint InfoPath 電子表單程式設計〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201300447
