  • 學位論文

房地合一稅政策對房仲業 與投資客影響分析

The Impact of the Consolidated Housing and Land Tax to the Real Estate Agent and Investor

指導教授 : 易青雲


摘要 房地產一向為國人自住以及投資的重要工具之一,房地產景氣的好壞,房價 的高低,對政府以及一般民眾影響甚大。近年來台灣的房地產成為集團企業及投 資客等少數人從中炒作賺取暴利的工具。政府相關部門陸續實施一連串與房地產 有關的稅制政策,其中房地合一稅的實施對於房地產投資客與房仲經紀業的影響 甚大。本研究針對桃園市桃園、中壢及平鎮區的房仲經紀業者和房地產投資客進 行深度訪談以及研究分析,目的在於了解房仲經紀從業人員和房地產投資客對於 房地合一稅實施其投資態度以及因應方式進行影響分析。研究結果包含: 1. 投資客多有在房地產投資的事業上,有自己的願景與相關市場協作動機。包 含解決原屋主的資金流通問題、解決買家順利買房圓夢的困境,以及本身從 事房地產投資,且經營房仲產業,本身對於產業的合作與機會增加有所期待 與看好,投資獲利的同時,也能增加從業人員的就業機會與薪資。 2. 房仲業者認為,政府在景氣的升降之間,並無法有一致性的健全房市措施, 主要的問題在於投資與投機之間的判斷落差。當市場有閒錢,有多餘的資金 加上部分優惠利率的過往政策,都會讓房市處於熱潮。但是,要打擊投機, 也必然會打擊到投資,連帶房市的交易量縮水。 3. 房地合一稅 2.0 新制確有實質的影響力,房地合一稅 2.0 的實施導致房地產 投資客的投資行為改變,並對房仲經紀業者的經營現況造成相當大的影響。 依據研究結果,研究者對房仲業及投資客建議包括:對房仲業建議:1.掌握 房地產的趨勢和消費者的需求以因應巿場環境的變化;2.加強員工教育訓練,優 化服務品質;3.房仲業者間的聯賣合作。對投資客建議:1.做中長期的投資計劃 策略;2.投資收租型產品或是農地;3.投資房地產賺錢獲利,合法繳稅。


Abstract Real estate has always been one of the important tools for Chinese people to live in and invest. The quality of the real estate boom and the level of housing prices have a great impact on the government and the general public. In recent years, real estate in Taiwan has become a tool for a few people, such as group companies and investors, to make huge profits from speculation. Relevant government departments have successively implemented a series of the consolidated housing and land tax policies, among which the implementation of the consolidated housing and land tax has a great impact on real estate investors and real estate brokers. This study conducts in-depth interviews and research analysis on real estate brokers and real estate investors in Taoyuan, Zhongli and Pingzhen districts of Taoyuan City, with the purpose of understanding real estate brokers and real estate investors' investment in the implementation of the combined real estate tax. Attitudes and responses to impact analysis. The findings include: 1. Investors are mostly in the real estate investment business, and have their own vision and motivation to cooperate with the relevant market. Including solving the problem of capital circulation of the original homeowner, solving the dilemma of the buyer's successful purchase of a house, and engaging in real estate investment and operating the real estate brokerage industry. It can also increase the employment opportunities and wages of employees, and finally bring a sense of achievement to their own work. 2. Real estate brokers believe that the government cannot have consistent measures to improve the real estate market between the ups and downs of the economy. The main problem is the gap in judgment between investment and speculation. When there is spare money in the market, excess funds and past policies with some preferential interest rates will make the housing market boom. However, to combat speculation, investment will inevitably be hit, and the transaction volume of the housing market will shrink, but housing prices will only rise but not fall due to other factors and the increase in buyer's holding costs. 3. The new system of the consolidated housing and land tax 2.0 does have substantial influence. The implementation of the consolidated housing and land tax 2.0 leads to changes in the investment behavior of real estate investors, and has a considerable impact on the current operating conditions of real estate brokers. According to the research results, the researchers' suggestions to the real estate brokerage industry and investors include: 1. Master the real estate trends and consumer demands to respond to changes in the market environment; 2. Strengthen staff education and training and optimize services Quality; 3. Joint sales cooperation between real estate brokers. Suggestions for investors: 1. Do medium and long-term investment planning strategies; 2. Invest in rent-collecting products or agricultural land; 3. Invest in real estate to make profits and pay taxes legally.


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