  • 學位論文


Taiwan Insurance Brokerage Development Strategy in Mainland China Take EVEPRO Insurance Brokers as an Example

指導教授 : 施顏祥 林震岩


自保險業引入中國至今,已有六十餘年歷史,期間經歷多次的改革與開放,從中國加入WTO開始開放外資進入中國市場後,保險業的開放隨即變為金融業的重點,更在2014年頒布”新國十條”將保險行業意願提升至國家意志,且透過博鰲論壇的發表,更進一步擴大金融業對外開放的具體時間表,幫助中國從保險大國快速邁向保險強國前進。 隨著保險市場快速的發展,相對也帶來相當龐大的市場規模,銷售模式也從傳統單一保險公司市場逐漸轉為保險中介的市場,也隨著時代的變遷,互聯網的崛起,保險銷售的管道逐漸擴充,市場規模及保費收入迅速增加到過去的數十倍,隨著市場規模的提升,相對競爭的管道、平台也越演越烈,許多的平台如微信、淘寶網等也爭相進入保險這塊大市場。 相對台灣,因地緣、人口關係,市場規模相對較小,但台灣保險發展已趨近成熟且完整,在看到大陸市場蓬勃發展且逐步開放的過程中,許多台灣保險公司陸續西進中國發展,結果卻是鎩羽而歸,但相對西進的台灣保險經紀公司,卻在大陸如火如荼的蓬勃發展。 本研究針對西進大陸之保險經紀公司成功案例來深入探討,但因西進大陸之保險經紀公司,進入市場之模式與結盟發展方式大不相同,本研究將以永達保險經紀公司西進中國大陸為案例進行研究,因該公司能夠以在台灣相同之經營模式、教育訓練同時複製到中國保險市場,進而成為中國規模最大的台灣保經公司,更以母公司參股子公司的24.9%股份每年回饋一個資本額以上給台灣母公司,故選擇以永達保險經紀公司為案例深度剖悉探討。 本研究透過永達各高階主管問卷彙整與深度訪談,進而了解永達西進之成功模式,且以PEST及SWOT了解該公司面臨環境與現況,進而探討該公司如何在中國大陸互聯網時代的加速下,做到調整且與時俱進,並完成該公司目標與願景。


Since the insurance industry was introduced into China, it has a history of more than 60 years. During this period, it has experienced many reforms and opening-up. Since China's accession to the WTO and the opening-up of foreign capital into the Chinese market, the opening-up of the insurance industry has immediately become the focus of the financial industry. In 2014, the "new ten articles" were promulgated to enhance the willingness of the insurance industry to the national will, and further expand the financial industry through the publication of Boao Forum The specific timetable for the opening-up of the industry helps China move rapidly from an insurance power to an insurance power. With the rapid development of the insurance market, the market scale is relatively large, and the sales mode has gradually changed from the traditional single insurance company market to the insurance intermediary market. With the change of the times, the rise of the Internet, the pipeline of insurance sales has gradually expanded, and the market scale and premium income have rapidly increased to dozens of times of the past. With the increase of the market scale, the market scale is relatively large Competitive channels and platforms are becoming more and more fierce. Many platforms, such as wechat and Taobao, are competing to enter the insurance market. Compared with Taiwan, due to the geographical and demographic relationship, the market scale is relatively small, but the development of Taiwan's insurance has become mature and complete. In the process of seeing the vigorous development and gradual opening of the mainland market, many Taiwan insurance companies have successively entered China for development, but the result is a failure. However, compared with the western Taiwan insurance brokerage companies, they are booming in the mainland. This study focuses on the successful cases of insurance brokerage companies in the west to the mainland. However, due to the fact that insurance brokerage companies in the west to the mainland have different market entry modes and alliance development modes, this study will take Yongda insurance brokerage company in the west to the mainland as a case study, because the company can copy the same business model, education and training in Taiwan to China insurance at the same time The insurance market has become the largest Taiwan insurance and economic company in China, and 24.9% of the shares of the parent company's participating subsidiaries are returned to the parent company of Taiwan every year for more than one capital amount. Therefore, Yongda insurance brokerage company is chosen as the case for in-depth analysis and discussion. In this study, through questionnaires and in-depth interviews with senior executives of Yongda, we can understand the successful model of Yongda's westward development, and understand the environment and current situation of the company with pest and SWOT, and then discuss how the company can adjust and keep pace with the times, and achieve the company's goals and vision under the acceleration of the Internet era in mainland China.


1. 永達保險經紀人官方網站 https://www.everprobks.com/
2. 永達理保險經紀人官方網站 https://www.eplbks.com/
3. 普華永道-《中國保險仲介行業發展趨勢白皮書》
4. 第20屆保險信望愛參賽資料
5. 中國保險經紀行業發展戰略研究
