  • 學位論文


Structural Improvement and Analysis of Supporting Plate of Mattress Air Pump

指導教授 : 林柏廷


交替式氣墊床(alternating mattress)主要為提供行動不方便人士 (handicapped)、癱瘓病人(Paralysis)、老年人(senile)及重度肥胖型者 (severe obesity),需長期臥病在床之患者來達到預防褥瘡(bedsore)之發 生。交替式氣墊床預防褥瘡之原理為使用空氣幫浦(air pump)來產生造風 功能,使交替式氣墊床內部管條充滿壓力,並利用馬達及機械結構配合之 作動方式,來產生管條交替的功能。當患者躺於氣墊床,交替的功能作動 時,能對患者與床墊接觸的受壓部分因管條內部產生的壓力變化,來預防 患者褥瘡的發生。本研究針對交替式氣墊床使用之空氣幫浦結構改善與分 析作研究與探討。對空氣幫浦使用之結構進行落下試驗測試、靜態分析來 進行結構改善與可靠度分析,找出結構強度的問題點,以及使用較佳方式 來進行結構改善。本研究之較佳方式為變更結構強度之設計方式,使空氣 幫浦能夠達到較佳的結構強度與可靠度。


交替式氣墊床 褥瘡 空氣幫浦 壓力 流量


Alternating mattress to provide the handicapped, Paralysis, senile and severe obesity. The long-term bedridden patients need to reach to prevent the occurrence of bedsores. Alternating mattress to prevent bedsores principle is to use an air pump to build wind generating function. Let alternating mattress’s inside tube filled with pressure. Then the motor and the mechanical structure to operate with each other to produce alternating tube. When the patient lying on the alternating mattress alternate function start, Some patients in contact with the alternating mattress because the pressure inside the tubes changes to prevent the occurrence of bedsores. In this study, structural improvements and analysis for the alternating mattress air pump to research and discussion. Use the drop test, static analysis, to analyze the structural strength and reliability. And identify problems structural strength. And the use a better approach to structural improvements. Optimized design is the way to change the structural design of the air pump can achieve a better structural strength and reliability.


alternating mattress bedsore air pump pressure flow


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