  • 學位論文


An Application of Building the Consciousness of Locals by Participatory Design in Guangfu Community, TaoYuan City.

指導教授 : 林曉薇


台灣於2002年加入世界貿易組織,在國際農糧競爭下,許多農民被迫休耕、轉業,農村也因傳統農業式微而面臨轉型挑戰。在政策輔導下有許多成功案例,但仍有部分農村社區因營利不足而無法順利轉型、青年外流、人口逐漸老化等。而桃園市觀音區廣福社區,也遇到相同問題。它曾以獨特的埤塘地景及白千層林道,被選定為2017年桃園地景藝術節的主展區,也有多年的社區營造及農村再生經驗,若能善加利用社區資源,未來將有許多發展的可能。 本研究以建立地方性意識為目標,逐步建立地方資源分析架構,盤點社區資源,整合廣福社區特點及社區需求,擬定「示一口田學堂發展計畫」作為發展策略。以參與式設計的方式,與社區居民一同討論社區閒置空間的未來願景進行規劃設計,結合社區的農事特色操作工作坊,帶領居民從不同面向認識在地文化,並招募居民組成在地市集,以及推行環境教育的導覽課程。此外,本研究以「示一口田學堂計畫」進行提案,獲得文化部108年青年村落文化行動計畫獎勵,實際執行操作計畫,驗證以參與式設計建立社區地方性意識的可能性。希望藉由建立地方性意識的操作,讓地方居民在參與閒置空間規劃的過程中,可以瞭解自己的地方文化及地方價值,進而增進地方的認同感,也透過青年返鄉,將所學的知識運用於社區,實現青年自我價值。


After Taiwan joined the World Trade Organization(WTO) in 2002, many farmers were forced to fallow and change their jobs in the face of international agricultural trading. Rural areas also faced the challenge of transformation due to the decline of traditional agriculture. There are many successful cases under the guidance of policies, but there are still some rural communities that cannot be successfully transformed due to small profits, youth exodus, and gradually aging of population. The Guangfu Community in Guanyin District, Taoyuan City also encountered the same problem. It was chosen to be the main exhibition court for the Taoyuan Land Art Festival in 2017 with its unique landscape of ponds and the theme of cajuput tunnel. Also, it has many years of experience in Community Development and Rural Regeneration which can be the bases for future development. This research aims to raise local awareness, gradually establish analysis framework of local resources, general investigate of community resources, and integrate the needs of the Guangfu community. As a result, " A piece of FU land Development Plan" is made as the development strategy. In the way of participatory design, we discuss with the community residents about the future vision of the vacant space in the community for further design. Also, we have run many workshops and markets combined with different agricultural characteristics of Guangfu community, leading residents to understand the local culture from different aspects and to promote courses of environmental education. In addition, this study proposed the " A piece of FU land Plan ", which was awarded by the 108 Youth Village Cultural Action Plan, showing that the implementation truly verified the possibility of building community’s local awareness through participatory design. It is hoped that through the operation of establishing local awareness, local residents can understand their own local culture and local value in the process of participating in the planning of vacant space, thereby enhancing the sense of local identity, and help youth people returning hometown apply their knowledge back to the community to realize self-worth.


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