  • 學位論文


Research on the Cultural Tourism of Taiwan’s Lighthouses

指導教授 : 林曉薇


目前台灣燈塔的主要政策為交通部航港局提出的「台灣地區燈塔整建及發展計畫(106年至109年度)」,台灣的燈塔以視覺航標為最主要的功能,現階段燈塔的建設以導航功能提升、燈塔基本維護及建設為主,目前台灣燈塔尚未進行全面自動化,園區內仍有燈塔管理員駐守辦公,沒有迫切的閒置空間再利用的問題,低度開放園區可能是目前兼顧導航工作及開放參觀的折衷方案,但是訪客仍有進入燈塔內部的好奇心、觀光服務商品消費及文化資產參觀展示的需求,有鑒於此,本研究提出以下的研究發問:台灣燈塔是運作中的航路標識,為何需要發展觀光?如何發展觀光?以及台灣燈塔的文化資產價值特殊性?最適宜的文化觀光方式為何? 為了回答以上的問題,本研究以日本燈塔的整體觀光發展現況及參觀人數最多之犬吠埼燈塔為比較研究對象,依據政府公開資訊及出版文獻為基礎,實地觀察及書信訪問為輔,研究成果如下: 一、 提出台灣發展燈塔觀光的重要性: (一) 透過燈塔觀光凝聚國族意識及彰顯國家品牌。 (二) 航路標識全面自動化後的替代方案。 (三) 作為地方認同的發展契機。 二、 分析日本燈塔發展觀光的推動方式並作為借鏡: (一) 透過日本開放燈塔參觀政策及法令依據、燈塔資料展示室的建置過程及展示方式,提出台灣燈塔開放公眾參觀並經營的法令分析及展示方式建議。 (二) 透過犬吠埼燈塔發展文化觀光的成果,深入發掘當地以燈塔形成地方象徵並振興地域的過程,及地方居民以實際行動回饋在燈塔保存、研究及推廣的證據,並且如何將燈塔由文化資產轉化為觀光景點。 三、 提出台灣燈塔開放觀光及推廣可行性建議: (一) 選擇適合的燈塔並評估開放燈塔內部、攀登及展示方式。 (二) 結合管理及行銷:燈塔主題旅遊及海事博物館策略聯盟。 (三) 建立燈塔支持者公開交流平台。 (四) 鼓勵多元民間參與。


At present, the major policy regarding the lighthouses in Taiwan is “Taiwan Area Lighthouses Renovation and Development Program (2017-2020)” proposed by Maritime and Port Bureau, MOTC. The major function of the lighthouses in Taiwan is the marine aids to navigation. The construction of the lighthouses at the present stage focuses on the upgrade of the navigation function and the basic maintenance. At present, the lighthouses in Taiwan have not been automated completely yet. As the lighthouse keepers are still stationed in the lighthouses, there is no urgent problem to reuse the spare space. The low-level openness of the lighthouses may be the compromise proposal catering to both the navigation work and the openness to visitors at the present stage. However, the visitors may still be curious about the interior of the lighthouses and have the needs for the consumption of the tourist service and products and for the exhibition of the cultural heritage. In view of this, the study proposes the following issues: As the lighthouses in Taiwan serve as the marine aids to navigation in operation, why is there the need for tourism? How is tourism developed? What are the cultural significance of the lighthouses in Taiwan as the cultural heritage? What are the best ways for the development of cultural tourism? To respond to the above questions, the study makes the current situation of the overall tourist development of the lighthouses in Japan and the lighthouse with the largest number of visitors, Inubosaki Lighthouse, the comparative targets. Based on the government’s public information and the published documents and supplemented with the field observation and letter interviews, the study results are as follows: I. The importance of developing lighthouse tourism in Taiwan: A. The lighthouse tourism will condense the national consciousness and highlight the national brand. B. The alternative using after the comprehensive automation of the marine aids to navigation. C. The development chance for the local identity. II. Analyze the tourist development promotion of the lighthouses in Japan for reference: A. By referring to the lighthouse visiting policies and legal regulations of Japan and their design process and exhibition ways of the lighthouse exhibition rooms, the study makes the legal analysis and exhibition suggestions for the lighthouses in Taiwan in terms of the openness to the public and management. B. Through the Inubosaki Lighthouse’s achievement in developing cultural tourism, the study will explore the process that the local authorities make the lighthouse the local symbol and revitalize the place, the evidence of the local residents’ public engagement in lighthouse preservation, research, and promotion, and the way to turn the lighthouse from a cultural heritage to a tourist attraction. III. The suggestions for the tourism and promotion of the lighthouses in Taiwan. A. Select the appropriate lighthouses and assess how the interior of the lighthouses are open to the public, how the visitors climb up the lighthouses, and how the exhibition is arranged. B. Combine management and marketing: lighthouse theme tour and maritime museum strategic alliance. C. Set up the public platform for the lighthouse supporters. D. Encourage the diverse civic engagement.


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