  • 學位論文


A Study on Administrative Aspects of Alternative Consumer Dispute Resolution

指導教授 : 陳乃瑜


我國消費者保護法第五章係關於消費爭議之處理,其中第一節係規範申訴與調解制度,係為我國行政型消費訴訟外紛爭解決制度之主要依據,惟歷經20多年期間,該制度運作至今,固然解決不少消費爭議問題,惟在涉及全國性之重要性紛爭,仍無法加以適用解決,故僅能藉由訴訟加以解決具有全國性之重要紛爭。   本文主要以我國行政型消費訴訟外紛爭解決機制為探討,在消費者與企業經營者間之消費爭議案件,如何藉由行政型之裁判外紛爭解決機制處理紛爭,然我國行政型之裁判外紛爭解決機制處理消費者紛爭,消費者係藉由各直轄市、縣(市)政府之地方消費者服務中心解決紛爭,然對於紛爭之處理步驟仍不乏有可在改進之處,且日本先後在2003年制定了ADR促進利用法,又修訂了消費者基本法,對於消費者與事業者間之規範,有了全新不同的風貌。   此外,裁判外紛爭解決機制當中,仲裁制度在我國多係利用在商業仲裁,鮮少利用在消費爭議仲裁,惟仲裁制度亦屬裁判外紛爭解決機制之一環,若能將仲裁制度適度應用在消費爭議案件當中,勢必能減輕法院之負擔。   綜上,本文認為我國行政型消費訴訟外紛爭解決機制現已不足以應付多元化的消費爭議案件,且在我國缺乏一部裁判外紛爭解決機制之相關規範下,易導致我國國民較為重視訴訟,導致訴訟案件源源不絕,故本文建議我國不僅應訂立一部屬於我國之裁判外紛爭解決機制之專法外,我國地方消費者服務中心與中央之消費者保護處關於消費爭議之處理,應有一套完整之配套措施,以資因應多元化之消費紛爭。


Chapter 5 of Taiwan Consumer Protection Law is related to consumer dispute resolution, and the first section characterises standard appeal and mediation system, which is the foundation of Taiwan administrative consumer alternative dispute resolution. Over the past 20 years, although substantial consumer disputes were resolved, administrative consumer alternative dispute resolution cannot be applied to important national disputes, which can only be resolved by litigation.   This thesis focuses on applications of Taiwan administrative consumer alternative dispute resolution to process consumer disputes between consumers and enterprises, which are performed by local consumer service centres. The entire process can also be improved. In 2003, Japanese government enacted Act on Promotion of Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution and amended Basic Consumer Act. Norms between consumers and enterprises were greatly improved.   On the other hand, arbitration system, an important part of alternative dispute resolution, is mainly applied to commercial arbitration rather than consumer disputes. It is supposed to effectively reduce burden on courts if arbitration system can be utilized to process consumer disputes.   Taken together, Taiwan administrative consumer alternative dispute resolution is insufficient for processing diverse consumer disputes. Moreover, under the condition of lacking alternative dispute resolution standard, people rely mainly on litigation, resulting in an increasingly large number of litigation cases. Therefore, we suggest that Taiwan alternative dispute resolution should be enacted. Moreover, supporting measures should also be established at central consumer protection and local consumer service centres so as to process a variety of consumer disputes.


