  • 學位論文


Research on the Process and Effectiveness of the Introduction of ATM Financial Services by Public Bank for a Century

指導教授 : 林震岩 施顏祥


自動提款機的發明改變銀行的服務型態,提款可不受營業時間的限制,大大的提升銀行的服務品質,被認為是過去幾十年來,銀行業唯一有用的金融創新。近年金融來金融科技創新的速度加快,面對數位化的趨勢,2018年起全球ATM裝設數量開始減少;台灣ATM雖在2018年裝設台數較2017年增加5%,惟近年行動興起,無現金交易迅速普及;另星展銀行亦將裁撤所有在台灣的ATM,這些都讓「ATM會消失嗎?」引發話題,對於發展ATM金融服務,台灣的方向如何?引進台灣第一台ATM的個案銀行為公營銀行,面對金融科技的快速發展,發展ATM金融服務的限制?本研究希望達到的目的為個案銀行在發展ATM金融服務的限制及探討台灣ATM未來的發展。 本研究主題為百年公營銀行導入ATM之進程及成效研究,在ATM的進程,由產品的生命週期理論去探討台灣及個案銀行ATM發展的分期,由於功能不斷的擴充與創新,產生數條第二曲線,使得ATM能發展不墜。研究成效評估的指標需符合目標管理「SMART」原則,分別由主管機關、經營者與使用者三個面向去評估,使用者則以設計問卷調查滿意度為評估指標,另加入銀行業的專家對台灣ATM未來發展的看法訪談。 最後從理論、台灣的環境、文化習慣及主管機關對發展ATM的方向等去綜整出的結論為台灣ATM在短時間內不會被其他金融服務所取代,與2015年的ATM未來發展趨勢報告中,多數專家認為現金的使用仍是主流,因此支付工具即便愈來愈多元,但並不會因此減少ATM,相反地ATM將會被賦予更多的功能,不謀而合。另也說明為公營銀行的個案銀行在發展ATM的限制與提出個案銀行在發展ATM上的參考建議。


The invention of the automatic teller machine changed the service type of banks. Withdrawal was not restricted by business hours and greatly improved the service quality of banks. It is considered to be the only useful financial innovation in the banking industry in the past few decades. In recent years, the speed of financial technology innovation has accelerated in the face of the trend of digitization. Since 2018, the number of ATM installations worldwide has begun to decrease. Although the number of ATM installations in Taiwan increased by 5% in 2018 compared to 2017, actions have emerged in recent years. Cashless transactions are rapidly spreading. In addition, DBS Bank will also abolish all ATMs in Taiwan. All these make "ATM will disappear?" The topic is raised. Regarding the development of ATM financial services, what is Taiwan's direction? The case bank that introduced Taiwan’s first ATM is a public bank. Facing the rapid development of financial technology, the development of ATM financial services is restricted? The purpose of this research is to limit the development of ATM financial services by individual banks and discuss the future development of ATM in Taiwan. The theme of this research is the study of the process and effectiveness of the introduction of ATM by public bank in the past century. In the process of ATM, the product life cycle theory is used to explore the stages of ATM development in Taiwan and case banks. Due to the continuous expansion and innovation of functions, several second The curve allows ATM to develop without falling. The evaluation indicators of research effectiveness must conform to the principle of management by objectives "SMART", which are evaluated by the competent authority, operators, and users respectively. Users use the satisfaction of designing questionnaire surveys as the evaluation indicators, and add expert opinions from the banking industry. Interview on the future development of ATM in Taiwan. Finally, from the theory, Taiwan’s environment, cultural habits, and the direction of the competent authority for the development of ATM, the conclusion is that Taiwan’s ATM will not be replaced by other financial services in a short period of time, which is consistent with the 2015 ATM future development trend report. Among them, most experts believe that the use of cash is still the mainstream. Therefore, even if payment tools become more and more diverse, they will not reduce ATM. On the contrary, ATM will be given more functions, which coincides with each other. It also explains the restrictions on the development of ATMs for the case bank of public banks and puts forward the reference suggestions for the case banks on the development of ATMs.


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