  • 學位論文


An Investigation of Usage and Evaluation of Integrating Magic Board into Primary Mathematics Teaching

指導教授 : 袁媛


本研究旨在瞭解教師在參與「萬用揭示板」研習後,對教師資訊科技融入數學教學認知的增進情形、教師對於「萬用揭示板」的評鑑結果,以及教師在數學課堂上使用萬用揭示板教學的情形。為達成上述之研究目的,研究者以自編之「萬用揭示板使用意見調查問卷」對曾參與三天以上「萬用揭示板」研習之桃園縣國民小學教師,進行問卷調查,共發出46份問卷,回收之有效問卷為43份,以蒐集之有效樣本資料為基礎,利用平均數、標準差、次數分配表與百分比等統計方法進行資料處理與分析。本研究之研究結論如下: 一、教師在參與「萬用揭示板」研習後,對資訊科技融入數學教學的認知確有增進。 二、教師對「萬用揭示板」給予正向及肯定的評價。 三、教師在數學課堂上使用萬用揭示板教學的情形,可歸納發現結果如下: 1.教師考慮使用萬用揭示板教學的主要原因為「萬用揭示板上有適合之教具可供使用」、「使用萬用揭示板教學較方便,也較能清楚講授數學概念」以及「引起學生學習興趣」。 2.教師未考慮使用萬用揭示板教學之主要原因為「教室內缺乏相關之硬體設備」、「時間不足」以及「缺乏高年級能使用的元件」。 3.教師使用萬用揭示板教學的時機以「教學中導入數學概念」為主,使用地點為「一般教室」,主要運用萬用揭示板教學「數」與「量」的主題,但接受本調查的教師表示其使用萬用揭示板教學的頻率並不高。 4.多數教師使用萬用揭示板教學時,選擇「上網使用」,且會「搭配實體教具一起使用」。 最後根據上述之研究結論,對教育主管單位與學校、「萬用揭示板」軟體設計者,以及未來研究提出具體建議。


The purpose of this study was to investigate teachers’ feedbacks after they participated in the Magic Board workshop. The focuses of this study were on teachers’ improvement of capacity for technology integration, the evaluation of Magic Board, as well as how teachers applied Magic Board in their classrooms for teaching mathematics. A questionnaire was designed by the researcher and sent to 46 elementary school teachers in Taoyuan County who had attended the Magic Board workshop for more than 3 days during the summer of year 2007. A total of 43 effective questionnaires were received and analyzed. The research results were as following. First, teachers’ capacity for technology integration did improve after participating in the Magic Board workshop. Second, teachers gave positive evaluations to the Magic Board. Third, the applications of Magic Board for teaching mathematics in elementary classrooms can be classified into the following situations. (1)The major reasons that teachers considered to use the Magic Board in their classes are “appropriate manipulatives can be found on Magic Board ”, “Magic Board is easy to use and can explain mathematics concepts clearly”, and “Magic Board can motivate pupils’ interests of learning mathematics”. (2)The major reasons that teachers did not consider to use the Magic Board in their classes are “the shortage of technology equipment”, “lack of time”, and “few tools can be used for higher graders”. (3)Teachers usually used Magic Board to introduce number and measurement concepts during class time in their classrooms. However, teachers responded that the frequency of using Magic Board was not high enough. (4)When applying Magic Board to teaching mathematics, most of the teachers considered to connect to the internet to access Magic Board, and they usually used it with concrete manipulatives. Based on the research results, suggestions for education administrations and schools, software designers of Magic Board, and further research were included.


袁媛、陳國龍、張世明(2007)。萬用揭示板(Magic Board)-國小特教老師的數學教學好幫手。特教論壇,3,1-13。


