  • 學位論文


Action Research on the Integration of Board Games into the Mathematics Teaching of the Primary and Lower Grades

指導教授 : 周安邦


本研究根據學生的學習發展,進行數學領域的教學。研究者以國民小學二年級一個班的11位學生作為研究對象,以桌遊融入教學方式,進行二個幾何單元的教學,教學活動採行兩階段的行動研究法進行。探討學生在桌遊融入數學教學,對國小學生數學學習興趣和學習成就的影響。 研究過程中,採量化與質性並行。量化分析以數學學習興趣量表前後測、數學學習評量卷等工具評量,所得的資料進行成對樣本t檢定分析。質性分析以數學遊戲教學的學習單、回饋單、學生訪談記錄、觀課記錄表和教學省思記錄等,將所得資料彙整,並以三角驗證分析資料。歸納本研究的結論如下: 一、學生經由「面面俱到」遊戲教學,認識四方形面積的意義,並且學會運用乘法公式計算面積值。 二、學生經由[最強鎖匠]、[闖關競賽]遊戲教學,能寫出數學式並應用平方差公式,快速計算面積。 三、桌遊融入數學教學之前、後的學生學習成績,經檢定結果,學生成績平均數進步且學習成就達顯著水準,彼此間成績差異性縮小,顯示桌遊教學能提升學生數學的學習成就。 四、桌遊融入數學教學之前、後的學生學習數學興趣測驗,分別依情意、期望、行動及全部向度(興趣量表),經檢定結果皆達到顯著水準,顯示桌遊教學能提升學生學習數學的興趣。 根據上述研究結論,提出桌遊融入國小低年級數學教學的建議。


This study is based on the student's learning and development, teaching in the field of mathematics. The researchers used 11 students from the second grade of the National Elementary School as the research object, and integrated the teaching methods into two geometric units. The teaching activities adopted a two-stage action research method. Exploring the influence of students in the integration of mathematics teaching on board games, mathematics learning interest and learning achievement of the second grade in the elementary school. In the course of the research, quantitative and qualitative analysis were paralleled. The quantitative analysis is based on the mathematics learning interest scale before and after the measurement, the mathematics learning assessment volume and other tools, and the obtained data is analyzed by paired samples t. Qualitative analysis uses the mathematics game teaching study list, feedback form, student interview record, observation record table and teaching reflection record, etc., and the collected data is collected and analyzed by triangle verification. The conclusions of this study are summarized as follows: 1.The students learn the meaning of the square area through the [All-in-one ] game teaching, and learn to use the multiplication formula to calculate the area value. 2.Students through the [Most powerful locksmith], [Through checkpoints ] game teaching, can write mathematical formulas and apply the squared difference formula to quickly calculate the area. 3.The board games are integrated into the mathematics teaching before and after the students' academic performance. After the verification results, the average scores of the students improve and the learning achievement reaches a remarkable level, and the difference in performance between them is reduced. It shows that the board game teaching can improve the students' mathematics learning achievements. 4.The board games are integrated into the mathematics teaching before and after the students learn the math interest test, respectively, according to affection, expectation, action and all directions (interest scale), the results of the test have reached a significant level, showing that board games can enhance student learning. Mathematical interest. According to the above research conclusions, it is proposed to integrate the board games into the mathematics teaching of the primary and lower grades.


Math board game lower grades Action research


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