  • 學位論文


Local Independent Bookstore’s Cultural Role and Network Relationships

指導教授 : 蔡文鈞


台灣圖書出版產業歷經短短幾十年,隨著經濟的發展帶動了產業的改革,大型連鎖、網路書店的出現不僅造成人們購書習慣的改變,也影響了出版通路,獨立書店在進書過程中往往無法負擔大批量,而出版商也因成本考量無法小量出貨,加上書籍削價競爭的問題造成獨立書店難以生存的窘境。然而多元文化的呈現為獨立書店的核心價值,也因此文化部得以將其納入文創產業補助對象之中。 學者對台灣獨立書店之相關研究包含對經營者、社群、在地實踐等主題。本研究主要針對其文化角色的設定過程,進而到網絡關係的建立,期望得出提供獨立書店在設定其文化角色的參考點,後延伸至長期經營管理之建議。本文以質化研究為主,透過個案分析以及專家訪談法進行資料的蒐集與分析,以桃園地區南崁1567小書店、讀字書店、晴耕雨讀小書院等三家獨立書店經營關係人為主要研究對象,包含了其他有合作或互動往來之關係書店。 首先研究結果發現,理念與在地條件是文化角色形成前的內、外在構成因素,其如書店的樹根;而書店設定之文化角色為樹幹,為獨立書店經營過程的立基點;文化角色下發展出來的網絡關係則為樹枝與樹葉,此為書店回饋與資助的來源,兩者皆為維繫存活的重要因子。其次,在地環境下的地區、人群、文化環境與經營者因人而異的理念相結合,是設定文化角色的首要考量,其中文化角色和文化環境必須有完美的協調才能強烈。文化角色的本質更是豐富且多元,本研究各案中在文化共同體精神下得以串連起不同地區獨立書店彼此合作、良性競爭,進而擴大了合作的效益,桃園書店的合作彼此更有為桃園地區增添文化氣息的願景而努力,得知文化角色的影響力小能左右書店經營,大可帶動產業活絡。


獨立書店 文化角色 網絡關係 社群 合作


After a few decades, Taiwan's publishing industry impacted by country’s economic development. Chain bookstores and online bookstore appears not only cause people changed their habits, but also affected the publishing path, independent bookstores in this condition can’t afford large quantity of books, due to cost considerations, publishers won’t ship little amount of books either, plus the price competition problems caused by the dilemma, independent bookstores now are difficult to survive. However, multiculturalism is the core value of independent bookstore, Taiwan ministry of culture classified it as cultural and creative industries and help them with financial subsidy. Researches of independent bookstore by Taiwan’s scholar include in the managers, communities topics. This study focused on the role of their cultural setting process, and then to establish a network relationships, this research looking forward to provide how to setting cultural role for reference. On the other hand, proposed long-term management. This research used qualitative research to collect and analyze data through case studies and interviews with experts in the Taoyuan area Nan kan 1567 bookstore, DU ZU bookstore , Qing Geng Yu Du lifestyle bookstore as the main object , also contains a bookstore business relation person. The study’s results show that the manager’s ideal and the location conditions are the cultural role’s inside and outside’s constituent elements, this as roots like trees; and the setting cultural role of the bookstore is the trunk, which is the most important part of running an independent bookstore; It’s network relationships are branches and leaves, where the bookstore’s feedback and funding sources come from, both are the important factor to maintain survival. Secondly, under the independent bookstore’s environment like location, people, culture environment also need to be surely fit into their cultural role, which makes it stronger. The cultural role is diversified; however, it could help bookstore cooperation with cultural spirit like Taoyuan’s independent bookstores did, there isn’t any vicious competition, they help each other, expand the benefits of cooperation for adding culture resources into Taoyuan district. So the cultural role can influence not only bookstore’s business, but also let the industry more active.


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