  • 學位論文


The Parenting Experiences of Mothers with Intellectual Disabilities Nurturing Their Mentally Disabled Children

指導教授 : 鄧文章


本研究以兩位育有心智障礙子女的智能障礙母親為研究對象,旨在探討智能障礙母親在教養上的經驗,和與他人的互動。 採取詮釋研究方法,透過訪談,追尋研究參與者的歷史脈絡,探訪研究參與者的現在故事,並融合研究者之先見,開展對本議題的理解。 經過資料的蒐集、文本的詮釋與分析,研究者分述兩名研究參與者的生命故事、教養經驗與和他人的互動經驗,並歸納出各自的共同主題,進行主題詮釋。融合兩位研究參與者的主題,再進行綜合分析。 本研究結論如下: 一、內在的自卑與教養子女的效能感相互影響 二、教養子女的不一致態度讓子女無所適從 三、「想要」教好子女,但缺乏方法 四、在教導子女上堅強而孤獨 五、對子女的發展能有基礎的認識,但未能因應子女特質調整教養方式 六、受「父權」的影響,隱藏真正的自我意識 七、與學校系統或社福系統都是較為被動的參與


The research targets for this study were two mothers with intellectual disabilities and their mentally disabled children. The study aimed at exploring their parenting experiences and interactions with other people. Adopting hermeneutic research, this study interviewed the participants to trace their backstories and probe into their current stories, before integrating these narratives with the researcher’s foreknowledge to open a discussion regarding the subject. Through data collection and textual interpretation and analysis, the researcher gave separate accounts of the participants’ life stories, as well as their parenting and social interaction experiences. Common themes were then introduced from the two accounts for thematic interpretation. Afterward, the participants’ themes were combined for an integrated analysis. The conclusions from this study were as follows: 1. There was interplay between feelings of inferiority and parenting efficacy. 2. Incoherent parenting attitudes created a sense of disorientation among the children. 3. Both mothers “wanted” to discipline their children but lacked suitable approaches to do so. 4. They were resilient, yet lonely when it came to parenting. 5. They had basic knowledge of the development of their children but were unable to adjust their parenting methods based on the children’s characteristics. 6. They concealed their true self-identities under the influence of “patriarchy.” 7. Their participation in school and welfare systems was rather passive. Keywords: mothers with intellectual disabilities, disabled children, parenting experiences


