  • 學位論文


The Effect of Broker’s Motive on the Network Formation

指導教授 : 李雨師 吳文傑


經紀人藉由連結分開的行動者而取得優勢,先前研究多在探討經紀人的個體利益,以及經紀人所扮演的角色。本研究進一步探討網絡中行動者轉變成經紀人的動機,以及經紀人的動機差異對於所屬網絡發展及夥伴關係的影響。 本研究以台灣木工機械產業所成立的W-TEAM為研究對象,並以個案研究法分析現有的兩個W-TEAM策略聯盟:W1實木地板線、W2指接備料線。研究結果發現,經紀人動機可以分成任務傾向動機和市場傾向動機,任務傾向動機的經紀人會尋找關係疏離、技術異質的夥伴,形成輻輳狀網絡,使參與網絡的成員在技術地位方面獲得不均等的提升,同時學習到經紀行為;市場傾向動機的經紀人會尋找關係親近、技術均質的夥伴,形成全連結網絡,使參與成員技術地位獲得同等提升,但是也限制了成員與其他產業成員進行合作關係。


Broker gain benefit by connecting separate actors, previous studies have explored the individual benefit of broker, and the roles of broker. This article investigates what motivation in a network change actors to brokers, as well as how influence made by difference brokers for network development and partnerships. In this studies, research target is W-TEAM of Taiwan Woodworking Machinery industry, we use case study method to analyze W1 and W2. We find that two kinds of motivation: task tendency and market tendency. Task tendency of brokers will find partners characteristics is relationship alienation and technical heterogeneity, network characteristics is hub and spokes, network members obtain unequal status upgrade in technical, while learning to brokerage. Market tendency of brokers will find partners characteristics is close relationship and technical homogeneous, network characteristics is complete link, network members receive the same status upgrade of technical, but also limits the members and other industry members of the partnership.


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