  • 學位論文


A Study on the Leadership Styles and Supervisor Suffers in the Workplace of Female Leaders For Subar International Food Company

指導教授 : 吳武忠


本研究透過女性領導者之觀點,探討在傳統食品產業下,女性領導者領導風格與面臨的職場困境之議題。首先透過重要文獻回顧整理,發展出本研究之觀念性架構;選擇傳統食品產業的女性領導者為研究對象,並利用個案研究方法,針對女性領導者進行深度訪談,瞭解其領導風格與面臨的職場困境,並運用紮根理論進行資料分析與整理,依據訪談逐字稿進行開放編碼、主軸編碼、選擇編碼步驟以取得其代表意義。本研究紮根理論分析出個案的四種女性領導風格以及三種職場困境,領導風格分別為「民主式組織管理、衝突管理、知識分享、個別關懷」。職場困境分別為「性別刻板印象、玻璃天花板現象、職場-家庭壓力」。 民主式組織管理內容有:民主開放溝通、組織群體決策、命令與多方討論並行、工作自主及授權;衝突管理內容有:兼顧情理法、理性協調溝通、將心比心、以和為貴及勞資方雙贏;知識分享內容為:組織願景共享、經驗傳承、鼓勵進修、以身作則與積極學習與吸收;個別關懷內容有:樂於分享、激勵員工、關懷與回饋、公開讚美、注重個體差異及傾聽下屬心聲。性別刻板印象內容有:薪資給付差異、柔性特質標籤及物化女性;玻璃天花板現象內容為:玻璃天花板、玻璃牆;職場-家庭壓力內容為:密集母職、婆媳問題、情緒耗竭、情緒勞務、時間衝突及多重角色扮演。


Through female leader’s perspective, this study discussed issues pertaining to the leadership of female leader and difficulties they face in the workplace of traditional food industry. First of all, a framework of concept was developed for this study through critical literature review; female leaders in traditional food industry were selected as the subject in the research, also with case study method, these female leaders are interviewed deeply to make a full understanding of their leadership and difficulties they face in the workplace; besides, data analysis and organization were fulfilled with Grounded Theory and representational meaning was acquired through steps including opened coding, main axle coding, selective coding on transcript from interview. In this study, Grounded Theory analyzed four kinds of female leadership and three difficulties in the workplace, where leadership includes “democratic management of organization, conflict management, knowledge share and individual care” respectively, while difficulties in the workplace include “gender stereotype, phenomenon of glass ceiling, stress from workplace and family”.


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