  • 學位論文


The effects of leader and subordinate gender matching and leadership style on employee's job satisfaction and turnover intention

指導教授 : 洪英正
共同指導教授 : 張雍昇(Yong-sheng Chang)


本研究主題為探討主從性別配對在領等風格與工作滿意度、離職傾向間之關係及其相互之影響性。根據許多研究顯示領導風格會影響到工作滿意度,進而去影響到離職傾向。但卻鮮少有真對主從性別配對的部分去做研究探討,本研究將瞭解導入主從性別配對研究,探討領導風格會不會在性別配對上會有所不同,進而影響到工作滿意度與離職傾向間互動之關係。  根據Basow(1992)的研究顯示,女性的領導風格屬於協助性,與男性的任務導向與野心侵略性的 領導風格有所不同。關治銘(2008)驗證結果顯示主管領導行為與工作滿意度,對離職傾向皆有顯著 且負向的影響。  本研究主要針對一般上班族做為本次研究之對象,並且採用量化之問卷方式,輔以立意抽樣問卷調查法,共獲得有效問卷257份。  經由文獻資料探討以及問卷設計調查,再依有效問卷中之資料,採用敘述統計、項目分析、信度檢定、因素分析、階層迴歸分析、T檢定、單因子變異數分析進行驗證分析。對主從性別配對、領導風格、工作滿意度與離職傾向間之關係做出結論、討論及建議。 本研究之結果顯示如下: 1. 假設一獲得支持:領導風格對員工離職傾向有顯著負向影響。 2. 假設二獲得支持:領導風格對員工工作滿意度有顯著正向影響。 3. 假設三不成立:主從性別配對對員工離職傾向上無顯著影響。 4. 假設四不成立:主從性別配對對員工工作滿意度上無顯著影響。 5. 假設五不成立:主從性別配對對領導風格上無顯著影響。 6. 不同人口統計變項在性別配對、領導風格、工作滿意度、離職傾向上具有部分顯著差異。


This study aims to explore the relationships of leader-subordinate gender matching with leadership style, job satisfaction and turnover intention, and the cause-effects among them. Many researches show that leadership style affects job satisfaction and further causes an effect on turnover intention. However, very few focus on leader-subordinate gender matching. The current study probes this sphere and examines whether leader-subordinate gender matching has an impact on leadership style and further influences job satisfaction and turnover intention. According to Basow (1992), female leadership style tends to be assistant, which differs from male task-oriented, ambitious and aggressive leadership style. Kuan (2008) proved that both supervisor leadership style and job satisfaction had significant and negative effects upon turnover intention. This research utilizes ordinary salaried employees as subjects, adopts quantitative questionnaire method aided with purposive sampling, and obtains 257 valid questionnaires. With literature review and questionnaire methodology, the data from valid questionnaires is analyzed and verified via descriptive statistics, item analysis, reliability test, factor analysis, hierarchical regression analysis, t-test and one-way ANOVA. This study holds discussions, conclusions and suggestions on the relationships among leader-subordinate gender matching, leadership style and job satisfaction. The results are as follows: 1. Hypothesis 1 is supported: leadership style has a significant negative effect on employees’ turn over intention. 2. Hypothesis 2 is supported: leadership style has a significant positive effect on employees’ job satisfaction. 3. Hypothesis 3 is rejected: leader-subordinate gender matching has no significant influence on employees’ turnover intention. 4. Hypothesis 4 is rejected: leader-subordinate gender matching has no significant influence on employees’ job satisfaction. 5. Hypothesis 5 is rejected: leader-subordinate gender matching has no significant influence on leadership style. 6. The demographic variables show partially significant differences on leader-subordinate gender matching, leadership style, job satisfaction and turnover intention.


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