  • 學位論文


The Study on Involvement, perceived value and revisiting intention of Backpacking Mainland Chinese Tourists in Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊政樺


2011年6月起,在ECFA的架構之下,兩岸正式不受固定景點及活動限制的陸客自由行,非僅促進旅遊業收益,改善旅遊環境,還促進全面經濟成長。鑒此,本研究透過陸客自由行的涉入程度對知覺價值、忠誠度及滿意度,知覺價值對忠誠度及滿意度,以及知覺價值、忠誠度及滿意度對重遊意願的影響,探討影響陸客來臺自助旅行重遊意願的重要因素。 本研究的目標樣本係界定為取得入出境許可證且在臺灣完成自由行的大陸地區人民,資料分析則使用結構方程模型(SEM)進行分析。實證顯示,涉入程度均會顯著正向影響忠誠度及知覺價值;而知覺價值會正向影響滿意度;滿意度與忠誠度對重遊意願皆有正向影響。且本研究發現影響大陸地區來臺自助旅行者是否優先選擇臺灣做為自由行目的地的主因是來臺灣的手續繁雜及旅行費用較團體旅遊昂貴的緣故,此外;在針對交通指標及接駁方面也需加強改進,以提高大陸地區來臺自助旅行者之重遊意願。 本研究依分析結果歸納五項建議:1.質量並進,維護良好之旅遊品質。2.未來可效法其他國家,發行地區交通周遊票卷。3.自由行旅客喜好之景點與團體遊客不相同,可以開發澎湖等離島旅遊路線。4.可設立陸客自由行資訊交流的專區。5.加強對二、三線城市行銷臺灣。期望此研究結果能提供臺灣開放陸客自由行觀光政策及業界經營策略之參考。


With the framework of Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), Taiwanese Government has officially approved Mainland Chinese people to conduct individual backpack touring in Taiwan since 2011. Mainland Chinese backpackers are expected to bring the business opportunities to the tourism industry in Taiwan including, improving travel environment, increasing internal demand and gross domestic product, as well as boosting economic growth. The primary objectives of this study were to investigate on involvement, perceived value, satisfaction, loyalty and revisit intention of the Mainland Chinese backpackers. Backpacking Mainland Chinese Tourists in Taiwan were selected to be the participants of this empirical study. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, variance analysis, reliability analysis and Structural equation modeling (SEM). The findings show that involvements have direct effect on perceived value and loyalty. In addition, perceived value positively influenced satisfaction. Finally, satisfaction and loyalty have positive effects on revisit intention. We concluded five recommendations from positive analysis: First, the quality of tourism and the number of tourist are both important for Taiwan’s tourism environment. Second, the Daily and Rail Pass for individual visitor can be issued in the future. Third, development of new tourist attractions and factilities in Penghu or other isolated islands. Fourth, set up an internet for individual visitor to exchange information. Fifth, Taiwan tourism Pormotional plan for secondary city of China. Results of the present study anticipate being a reference for the backpacking Mainland Chinese Tourists scheme to Taiwan in the future. Furthermore, this research can be provided as a tourist agent to make the strategic orientation.


李城忠與施麗玲(2012)。高齡者運動休閒涉入對身心健康與生活滿意度影響之研究。 休閒產業管理學刊,5(1),21-39。
