  • 學位論文

高中職餐飲技術科實用技能學程學生生活壓力、 社會焦慮與社會適應之研究

A Study on the Life Stress, Social Anxiety and Social Adaptation of the Practical Skill Programs Students at Food and Beverage Management Department in Senior High Schools and Vocational High Schools

指導教授 : 杜宜展


本研究旨在探討高中職餐飲技術科實用技能學程學生生活壓力、社會焦慮與社會適應之關係。本研究採用文獻分析及問卷調查法方式蒐集資料,並以自編之「生活壓力、社會焦慮與社會適應量表」為研究工具。研究對象為102學年南投及台中以南高中職餐飲技術科實用技能學程學生。共計發出 800 份問卷,有效樣本為407份問卷,資料蒐集後以獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關及多元迴歸分析進行資料處理。本研究結果發現: 1.生活壓力及社會焦慮屬於中下程度;社會適應為中上程度。 2.男生在生活壓力上比女生高。 3.隔代教養、依親或自行租賃的學生生活壓力較大。 4.社會適應之環境適應層面,女生優於男生。 5.學生生活壓力愈高,其社會焦慮愈高,且社會適應愈低;社會焦慮愈低,社會適應越高。 6.生活壓力與社會焦慮能有效預測社會適應。 根據研究結果,本研究提出對學生、學校與後續研究之建議: 1.學生方面:加強學生對自己的認知,增進自己所不足;多參加團體活動,從活動中展現自我;善用周遭環境資源,提昇社會適應力。 2.學校方面:定期辦理業界參訪,與業師協同教學;提供獎學金制度或專案補助,減輕家庭經濟壓力;鼓勵學生多參加競賽,提升自信。 3.後續研究:全國普查,了解其中差異;增加變項,進一步分析;增加訪談使研究結果更具效度。


The main purpose of this study is to probe for the relationship between the students who are learning in the practical skill programs at food and beverage management department in senior high schools and vocational high schools and the life stress, social anxiety and social adaptation. This research uses the document analysis and survey method with a questionnaire to be the research method, and adopts the "life stress, social anxiety and social adaptation scale" as the research tool.The subjects are the students who study practical skill programs students at food and beverage management department in senior high schools and vocational high schools of southern and central section from Taiwan. 800 copies of the questionnaire are delivered, effective samples are 407 copies.Gather all of the data to conduct data processing with T-Test, One-Way ANOVA ,Pearson's Product-Moment Correlation, and Multiple Regression Analysis.The study result discovered: 1.The degree of life stress and social anxiety is below average; the degree of social adaptation is above average. 2.Male has higher level of life stress than female. 3.Students who are grandparent rearing, dependence on relatives, or living alone would have higher level of life stress. 4.Female has better ability of environmental adjustments in social adaptationthan male. 5.Students holding higher level of life stress would have more social anxiety; the higher level of life stress, the lower level of social adaptation; the less social anxiety, the higher level of social adaptation. 6.The degree of life stress and social anxiety can effectively predict the level of ocial adaptation. According to the result of research, the researcher provides several suggestions to students, school, teachers, and follow-up researches: 1.Enhance the self-cognition to improve the shortcomings.Join group activities to reveal oneself 2.Utilize the resources around to advance social adaptation. Regularly hold the industry visit to team- teach with professional specialist teachers. 3.Provide scholarships programs or project grants to mitigate family economic pressure.Encourage students to attend competitions to improve self-confidence.


吳麗娟、陳淑芬(2006)。 國中生獨處能力與主觀生活壓力,身心健康之關係研究。教育心理學報,38 (2),85-104。
