  • 學位論文


The Fear of Single Parent Children: The Case of Modern ChiangMai

指導教授 : 嚴智宏


從1957年資本主義的擴展下,泰國社會歷經了許多問題,其中包括離婚。泰國已經從農業及以家庭為主的社會,走向工業社會及以個人導向的社會。金錢已經變成人們最重要追求的東西,人們變得緊張並且缺乏處理的能力,導致引起許多家庭問題,包括單親父母的去從及單親孩子問題。 我把重點放在1983年到1989年出生的單親孩子上(他們現在是20歲到27歲之間)這個年紀正好是泰國人的適婚年齡,所以對我的研究非常有幫助。 因為家庭破碎的關係,我發現經濟問題是影響單親孩子穩定性的最大因素,他們已經失去了信心,在經濟因素的恐懼下,將會引起單親孩子對人生的絕望,甚至會危及生命。


恐懼 單親子女 離婚 雙親 現代化


As capitalism has expanded in Thailand since 1957, Thai society has experienced many problems including divorce. Thai society has changed from an agricultural society to an industrial society and from a family based society to a more and more individual based society. Money has become more important than anything else and people will do their best to obtain it. People have become more stressed and less able to cope and this has led many types of family problems, including divorce follow by single parent and single parent children problem. I would like to focus on the childrens’ feelings - especially “the feeling of fear”. What do the single parent children fear most in their lives and how does this affect their behaviors and minds? My second question is why do they have fear? Lastly I would like to find out if the single parent children are a metaphor for the uncertain social, political and economic issues of Thailand from 1957 to the present? I focus on the single parent children who were born between 1983-1989 (those who are now 20 to 27 years old). These are the ages when Thai people get married, so will be a very helpful range for my research question. In this research I finds out that the economic difficulty strongly effect single parent children’s fear of having a stable relationship as they has base on the broken family background. They have lost the feeling of trust. Under the economic crisis with the feeling of fear, it cause single parent children could feel desperate and this could harm a life.


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