  • 學位論文


Moving Forward- A Narrative Study of Senior Child Protection Social Workers

指導教授 : 汪淑媛


本研究旨在探討影響兒少保護社工員留任的因素,採取敘事研究方法,運用深度訪談,以目前仍在職且工作年資達7年以上之五名兒少保社工員為研究對象。經資料分析與整理,本研究得以下幾項結論與發現: 一、友善的工作環境是影響留任應具備之要件 友善且良好的工作環境,包含:制度面:新進社工員教育訓練、在職期間專業訓練、工作處理時效與品質間達到平衡、薪資制度化;督導制度:能回應社工員工作上面臨的困難與疑惑;同儕間互相支持與支援..等。另政策推動,從上到下,也要能展現對社工員的關懷與支持,層層相互影響與牽動,才能讓社工員願意留任從事兒少保護工作。 二、工作的鍛鍊,長出因應挫折的力量 兒少保護工作的特性,致使會面臨不同的工作挑戰。在遭遇困難時,友善的支持與工作環境,能幫助社工員提高內在素質與協助自我調適,才能應變兒少保的工作環境。 三、找到工作的意義 社工員要能發掘工作的意義感,不管是從工作上獲取、或對工作的使命感或成就自我...等,這都有助於面臨挑戰與困境時,有意願持續投入、學習與成長。


留任 兒少保護社工員 資深


This study aims to explore the factors that affect the retention of child protection social workers, adopting narrative research methods, using in-depth interviews, and focusing on five child protection social workers who are currently employed and working for more than seven years. After data analysis and sorting, this research has the following conclusions and findings: 1. A friendly working environment is an essential element to influence retention Friendly and excellent working environment, including “Institutional Aspects” that new employee education and training, professional training during the in-service period, balance between work processing timeliness and quality, and salary system; “Supervision System” can respond to the difficulties and doubts faced by social workers at work ; “Colleague Support” , etc. In addition, from top to bottom with policy promotion, it is necessary to show care and support for social workers, and influence each other at various levels, so that social workers are willing to stay in the work of protecting children. 2. Exercising at work grow the strength to deal with setbacks Children protection social work of characteristics, causes will face different work challenges. When encountering difficulties, friendly support and working environment can help social workers improve their internal qualities and assist in self-adjustment, so as to adapt to the working environment of children protection. 3. The meaning of finding a job Social workers must be able to discover the meaning of work, whether it is obtained from work , or a sense of mission or self-achievement, etc., which will help to be willing to continue to invest, learn and grow when facing challenges and difficulties.


