  • 學位論文


The Development of the Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM) Movement

指導教授 : 陳佩修


本研究主要以探討印尼亞齊的歷史脈絡與「亞齊解放運動」組織(Gerakan Aceh Merdeka, GAM)發展之形成為研究主題,並探討2004年南亞大海嘯發生與2005年亞齊和談之後,亞齊解放運動組織繳械解除武裝,以及2006年設立亞齊特別行政區之後的影響與後海嘯時期亞齊解放運動組織發展的轉型。因此,藉由探討印尼亞齊歷史脈絡與亞齊對印尼政治發展之影響為研究主題,以了解亞齊解放運動組織各個歷史性發展進程,並探討後海嘯時期,「亞齊解放運動」發展的轉型與亞齊解放運動組織成員對新設立亞齊特別行政區政府的影響,亦是本論文研究的主要結論。 運用社會科學的研究方法,探討亞齊解放運動組織的發展與轉型,社會科學基本上是在探討事實現像和解釋此事實的原因,而研究方法是指用來蒐集與處理資料的手段,以及其進行的程序。研究的資料蒐集上係以「歷史研究法」、「文獻分析法」、「內容分析法」作為主要的方法,而計畫的寫作方面採取「假設演繹法」,試圖先歸納出印尼亞齊歷史發展脈絡與印尼民族主義的發展進程的對照關係。期透過文件的剖析,整理亞齊解放運動組織的發展與轉型的歷史進程。 亞齊解放運動組織的出現,雖有歷史、地域與宗教等不同文化的背景,但其關鍵的轉變因素為,印尼在「新秩序時期」(New Order)將「印尼民族主義」的內涵縮減,轉變成「爪哇民族主義」,導致亞齊由原先提議的宗教訴激化為分離運動,進而出現印尼與亞齊之間的衝突與武裝行動,並從此與中央政府展開了殊死武裝抗爭,死傷無數。然而「印尼民族主義」發展與「伊斯蘭建國運動」,哈山迪羅與「亞齊解放運動」之成立與理念,影響了「亞齊解放運動」組織結構與發展進程。 2005年印尼政府和亞齊解放運動代表簽署的和平協定,2006年設置「亞齊自治區」並民選省長,「亞齊大學」(Universitas Syiah Kuala, UNSYIAH)獸醫學系畢業並曾經當過獸醫的前亞齊解放運動組織領導「伊爾旺迪•優素福」(Irwandi Yusuf),當選首任「亞齊特別行政區」(Aceh Province)最高首長,亞齊並成為印尼唯一施行「伊斯蘭社會法」與「伊斯蘭法」的行省。探討後海嘯時期,亞齊解放運動發展的轉型,和亞齊解放運動組織成員對新設立亞齊特別行政區政府的影響,將會是本論文研究的最終目標。


This study to explore the historical context of Aceh, Indonesia and the "Free Aceh Movement" organization (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka, GAM) to form a study on the development and to explore the South Asian tsunami in 2004 and 2005 after peace talks in Aceh, GAM disarm disarmament and the establishment of Aceh Province in 2006 the after-effects and post-tsunami GAM during the transformation of organizational development. Therefore, by the historical context of Indonesia's Aceh. Aceh on Indonesia's political development and the impact of research topics, to understand the various liberation movements in Aceh historical development process, and explore the post-tsunami period, "Free Aceh Movement" development transformation and liberation movements in Aceh members of the newly established government of Aceh Province is also the main conclusions of this thesis. By use of social science research methods to explore the development of GAM and transformation, social science is essentially a matter to explore and explain the realization of this fact as the reason, the research methodology is used to collect and process data means, and its proceedings. Research data collection system on the "History of Law", "Document analysis", "Content analysis" as the main method, and plans to take the writing "hypothetical deductive method", the first attempt to summarize the history of Aceh, Indonesia development context and development of nationalism in Indonesia the process of the control relationship. Period through the analysis of documents, organize GAM movement for the emancipation of the historical process of development and transformation. The emergence of GAM, although history, geography and religious background of different cultures, but the key change factors for Indonesia in the "New Order Iperiod" to "nationalism in Indonesia," meaning cut, into "Java nationalism", resulting in Aceh from the original proposal for the separation of religion. Intensified campaign, and then there's the conflict between Indonesia and Aceh, and armed action, and has since launched a desperate armed with Zhongyangzhengfu fight numerous casualties. However, "Nationalism in Indonesia" development and the "Islamic nation-building movement", Hasan Di Tiro and the "GAM" and the idea of setting up, affecting the "GAM" organization and development process. The Government of Indonesia and the GAM signed a peace agreement,2005. Set the "Aceh Province", 2006. However, an elected governor, "Universitas Syiah Kuala, UNSYIAH" department of veterinary medicine graduate and had worked as a veterinary organization and leadership of the former of GAM, "Irwandi Yusuf", he was elected first the highest head of Aceh Province, in Indonesia. Aceh Province was the only implementation of the "Islamic social law "and" Islamic law "province. After the period of the tsunami, GAM movement in transition, and the GAM members newly established government of Aceh Province, it will be the ultimate goal of this thesis.


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