  • 學位論文

公部門志願服務人力資源運用與管理之研究 ─ 以臺北市政府社會局為例

The Study of Human Resource Applying and Management of Voluntary Service On Public Sector - An Example from Taipei City Government, Department of Social Welfare

指導教授 : 黃光男博士


本研究係以臺北市政府社會局為研究對象,探討公部門如何因應實際需要、政府組織再造、鼓勵公民參與公共事務及順應世界潮流等因素下,依據志願服務法相關規定,運用與管理志願服務人力資源,協助公部門推動各項為民服務業務的歷程與現況。 本研究以質性研究之文獻探討及深度訪談法蒐集資料,從志願服務政策層面分析公部門運用志願服務人力資源的執行策略;從志願服務法制面探討公部門對法定業務的落實執行;從人力資源管理層面檢視公部門管理志願服務人力的機制,深入分析公部門運用志願服務人力資源之成果與效益,並闡述推動過程中所遭遇困難、限制、未來改進方向與發展遠景,研究者根據研究結果提出結論與建議,以提供公部門及相關民間組織之決策者、規劃者、執行者,作為擬定政策、規劃各項志願服務方案、志工人力資源管理、未來研究發展及修法之參考。 本研究之建議如下: 一、志願服務政策制定與執行之建議:1.志願服務政策的訂定,應有一慣性與可行性;2.志願服務政策的執行,需要市府行政團隊的分工合作。 二、對公部門志願服務人力資源管理之建議:1.落實專人專責業務,並加強業務與法規訓練;2.召開各級志願服聯繫會報,加強單位間的溝通、聯繫;3.志工召募應採多管道方式,招募各方專業人才;4.建立專業志工資料庫;5.志工教育訓練的內容與對象應多元化、多樣化;6.建立志工服務之標準化流程,編訂「志工工作手冊」並定期更新;7.提升服務品質,落實志工考核與志願服務績效評鑑;8.志工及志工團隊的激勵表揚,必須遵守公平、公正、公開原則;9.塑造溫暖與接納之工作環境,建立人性化、自主化之志工管理機制;10.敦促中央修正志願服務法。 三、加強與非營利組織合作之建議:1.召開志願服務高峰會,邀請公、私部門重要志願服務團體與會,交換意見並廣納建言;2.結合大專志願服務團、促進服務學習效果;3.結合民間企業,鼓勵企業組織志願服務團,建立服務形象;4.擴大志願服務民營化;5.促進國際交流與合作。


This is a case study of the Department of Social Welfare of Taipei City Government on voluntary services and its related managements. The main purposes of this research are first of all to explore how the public sectors meets the needs of social welfare services after the restructuring of the Taipei City Government, secondly to demonstrate how the general public can be encouraged to participate in social affairs, thirdly to show how human resources of voluntary services could be managed more efficient and finally to fulfill the requirements of services and to join the global trend in volunteering according to the provisions of Voluntary Service Act. Methodically, the researcher interviews volunteers and civil servants to collect necessary information after reading literary Reviews. The data includes from voluntary services policies in order to survey the implementation strategy of the human resources of voluntary services, from the legal system of voluntary services to explore how the public sectors on the implementation of social welfare affairs and from human resource management level to view the public sectors’ mechanism. As a result, the researcher finds efforts and perplexities of the human resources management of voluntary services in government agencies. The researcher also finds conclusions and recommendations for public sectors, related non-governmental organizations, policy makers, future studiers and law makers for reference in voluntary services area. The recommendations of this study are as follows: 1. On policy formulation and implementation: A. to meet continuity and feasibility in voluntary services policies, B. to work and cooperate more closely in government agencies. 2. On volunteer human resource management of public sectors: A. to implement and strengthen the law enforce training in voluntary services, B. to set up an integrate mechanism between government agencies in voluntary services, C. to extend volunteers recruitment, D. to establish a volunteers database, E. to diversify volunteers education and training, F. to set up a standard operation procedure of voluntary services, G. to improve the quality of voluntary services and the performance evaluation of volunteer services, H. to encourage volunteers and volunteer teams to comply with fair, just and open principles, I. to establish a humanity and independent volunteer management, J. to amend Volunteer Service Act. 3. On non-profit organizations: A. to hold routine volunteer summits, B. to combine with educational voluntary service groups, C. to encourage private sectors to organize voluntary service groups, D. to privatize voluntary services, E. to promote international exchanges and cooperation.


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