  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 洪志明


本研究主要目的在於探討互動式電腦多媒體應用於高中酸鹼滴定教學之成效。針對學生常見的迷思概念,發展相關的教學媒體,作為教學輔助之用,以期提昇學生學習興趣及成效。 本研究以台北縣某國立高中之84名高三學生為研究樣本,以驗證所發展的教學媒體,對於協助學生學習酸鹼滴定概念是否有顯著的成效。並將學生區分為實驗組與對照組各一班,俾便比較該教學媒體對學生的影響。實施方式為:實驗組輔以該教學媒體;控制組則利用板書教學。課程結束後均實施後測,並針對實驗組的學生實施學習感受問卷,以了解學生對該教學媒體有何看法與建議。此外,不論實驗組或對照組均施以化學教師教學評鑑問卷,進一步探討學生對教師教學策略有何感受。 研究結果顯示,實驗組的學生在後測的平均成績高於控制組;進一步分析發現,前者之低成就學生學習成效優於後者之低成就學生,並達到顯著差異。推測低成就學生施以具體、視覺化的教學媒體,對其概念的建立與學習動機的啟發有所助益。另外,問卷結果顯示,學生高度地肯定本教學媒體的應用,也願意使用相關媒體幫助學習;但是,也建議畫面再力求美化與擬真,並增加更多的趣味性。至於教師教學策略方面,學生亦有正面的評價。 因此,本研究建議除了延續傳統教學之優點外,尚且需要結合妥善設計之教學媒體加以輔助,將可有效提地升學生學習動機與成效。 關鍵字:多媒體、酸鹼滴定、學習成效


多媒體 酸鹼滴定 學習成效


The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of the interactive computer multimedia used on the conception of acid-base titration in senior high school. According to students’ common misconceptions, the researcher developed relative teaching media, which was used to assist instruction and hoped to raise students’ interest and effects in learning. In order to verify whether there are effects or not when the developed teaching media is used in helping student learning conceptions of acid-base titration, the researcher chose 84 senior high school students from Taipei county to be study samples. They were divided into control group and experimental group, and thus it’s convenient to compare the influences of the media used on the students. Both groups received the same instruction content, but the teaching media was used additionally in the experimental group. After the whole instruction, both groups took a posttest. At the same time, the students in the experimental group were asked to answer a questionnaire to understand their opinions and suggestions on the educational media. Furthermore, both experimental and control groups filled out a form of investigation into their chemistry teacher’s teaching strategies, which was further used to explore the students’ response. According to the results of the study, the average accomplishment of the experimental students was better than those of the control students’. According to further analysis, students with low achievement in experimental group got even higher grades than those in the control group, and showed a significant difference. So we can conjecture that if low achieved students receive concrete and visualized instructional media, there will be boosts to the students to set up their conceptions and to inspire their learning motive. On the other side, the results of the questionnaire displayed that the experimental students gave high evaluation to the instruction with the media, and had aspiration to use relative media to help learning. But, they also suggested that the frames of the media had to be designed more beautiful, authentic, and interesting. As to the teacher’s teaching strategies, students also evaluated positively. Therefore, in order to achieve good instructed accomplishments, the researcher suggest that instruction should be assisted by instructional medias, which are well designed, besides using advantages of traditional instruction continually. So that will be able to raise students’ learning motive and accomplishments effectively. Keyword : multimedia, acid-base titration, learning accomplishments.




De Jong, Onno; Others(1995): Problems in Teaching the Topic of Redox Reactions: Actions and Conceptions of Chemistry Teachers. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 32(10), 1097-1110.


