  • 學位論文


Comparisons of Conceptual Structures, Instructional Representations, Questioning Techniques, and Evaluation Skills of an Experienced and a Non-experienced Physical Science Teachers in Junior High Schools—An Example of “Heat and Temperature”

指導教授 : 李田英


本研究探討國中資淺暨資深自然科教師在溫度與熱單元的教學表現 。兩位教師各屬於不同的學校,分別於民國九十二年十一月初及民國九十三年十一月初起各觀察一個月,透過教室觀察、晤談及文件蒐集等方法收集個案教師概念組織、教學表徵、發問問題類型與評量方式等資料並分析之。研究結果如下:(1)概念組織:資淺教師的組織方式與教科書相似按節次順序來呈現概念;資深教師則以中心概念為主軸來鋪陳相關概念。(2)教學表徵:(a)資淺教師通常使用一種教學表徵講解概念,依賴教科書與坊間參考書作為範例的來源,發問的問題意義不清,¬而引發學生偏離主題,花費較多的時間在討論與主題無關的情境問題,卻無法順利引導學生,家庭作業為要求學生做坊間參考書的題目;(b)資深教師的教學表徵具多樣性,範例的來源除了教科書之外,還有教師製作的學習單,花費較少的引導時間就可以順利達到教學目的,家庭作業的內容除了教師製作的學習單外,還會根據上課的內容要求學生上網找資料繳交報告。(3)發問類型:兩位老師都以記憶類型的問題居多,但資深教師發問閉鎖收斂類型問題的比例高於資淺教師。(4)評量方式:資深教師較常使用評量來了解學生的學習狀況和提示上課的重點及使用評量作為督促學生學習的教學策略;資淺教師則未注意到評量。本研究建議持續提供培養教師發問與評量能力的管道,未來可深入探討教科書之撰寫。


Investigated were the comparisons of conceptual structures, instructional representations, questioning techniques, and evaluation skills of an experienced and a non-experienced physical science teachers in junior high schools on the topics of “ Heat and Temperature”. Two teachers who came from different schools were observed from Nov. to Dec. in 2003 and 2004 respectively. Interpretative research method was adopted. Data were collected through classroom observations, interviews, and documents collections. Data were analyzed through reviewing of video-tapes, transcripts, and triangulations. The findings were as follows: 1) the teaching sequence of concepts for the non-experienced teacher were followed by the sequences of the textbook, however, for the experienced teacher, the teaching sequence were organized through main concepts; 2) for non-experienced teacher, lecture was the only and more often used representation , his examples and homework all came from textbook and reference books, the meaning of his questions were not clear and always misleading students’ discussions which is to non-related to the topics; however, for experienced teacher, there were multiple teaching representations used , besides textbooks, teacher also designed examples and homework to help students learn, her questioning was very skillful and easily reached the goals of the teaching; 3) most questions were memory-type for both teachers, but, there were more convergent thinking questions for experienced teacher; 4) there was no evaluation of students learning for non-experienced teacher, however, the evaluation was used as strategies for monitoring students’ learning and emphasizing key concepts of teaching. To provide more opportunities for teachers to promote their abilities in questioning and evaluating and more research related to the writing of textbooks were suggested.




