  • 學位論文


The Initial Study on Developing the Mechanical Aptitude Test

指導教授 : 吳明雄


摘要 本研究旨在發展一機械性向測驗,為此,本研究以相關的學理文獻為基礎,探討出機械性向測驗的組成向度應包含機械推理、機械知能、圖形推理與空間知覺四個分測驗,並依此進行試題的發展。再者,本研究依循了標準化測驗的編製程序,進行試題的項目分析、信效度考驗及相關的差異性比較。 本研究的母群為台灣地區之國中三年級至高中職二年級的學生,以立意叢集抽樣的方式選取正式施測的樣本,研究樣本的班級數為15班,樣本總人數為553人,經統計分析結果顯示,在項目分析方面,機械性向測驗中,部分試題的難度指數有偏高的情形,但仍具良好的鑑別力;在信度考驗方面,機械性向測驗具有可接受的內部一致性係數(庫李信度),以及穩定的重測信度;在效度考驗方面,有以下幾點發現:(一)機械性向測驗中各分測驗有某程度的正相關存在;(二)機械性向測驗與多因素性向測驗和高一性向測驗有顯著相關存在;(三)機械性向測驗中之機械推理、機械知能和空間知覺測驗與學生的學業成績有顯著的正相關存在;(四)機械類群的學生在機械性向測驗分數的表現上顯著優於非機械類群的學生;在性別差異比較方面,男生在機械性向測驗的得分顯著高於女生。


Abstract The purpose of the study was to develop a set of mechanical aptitude test. Therefore, the study was based on relating academic theory, and it was found that the mechanical aptitude test was composed of four parts, which were mechanical reasoning, mechanical knowledge, figure reasoning and space perception. The test questionaries were developed accordingly. In addition, the study followed the drawing procedure of standard test to do the item analysis, the test of reliability and validity and the difference comparison. The subjects (N=553,total 15 classes, using purposive cluster sampling) in this study included third grade students from junior high school and second grade students from senior high school. The findings of the study were as follows: 1. The item analysis: In the mechanical aptitude test, parts of the items were with higher difficulty index, but the discrimination index was still good. 2. The reliability test: Mechanical aptitude test has acceptable coefficient of internal consistency (Kuder-Richardson reliability) and stable test-retest reliability. 3. Validity test: (1) There was positive correlation between each part of the mechanical aptitude test. (2) Significant correlation lied among the mechanical aptitude test, multifactor aptitude test, and the first grade of senior high school aptitude. (3) There was significant positive correlation between three tests (mechanical reasoning, mechanical knowledge and space perception) and the student achievement of study. (4) The students of mechanical category were superior to those of other categories in mechanical aptitude test. And about the gender difference comparison, male got higher grades than female. Keyword:Mechanical aptitude, Mechanical aptitude test, Aptitude test


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