  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 洪志明


(一) 食品添加劑模組 本研究以未有STS經驗的學生為對象,在鷹架策略的輔助下參與食品添加劑活動,探討本模組能否有效提昇學生學習興趣、解決問題能力、知能建構能力及開放性思考階層。活動中所使用的策略包括:(1)小組討論(2)角色扮演(3)合作學習(4)腦力激盪(5)實驗探究。使用的評量項目為:(1)紙筆測驗評量(2)參與度評量(3)學習態度評量(4)開放性思考階層評量(5)學習層次評量。 活動對象為師大大四學生,由於即將面臨畢業實習帶領科展活動,認為此種活動將有助於培養帶領科展活動的能力,因此過程中學生保持高度學習興趣,並將學科知能擴展至真實生活中,並且各項評量項目中皆有一定程度之正相關關係,(a)前測(b)發言次數(c)討論內容及態度(d)活動參與度(e)思考階層評量:(d)與(a)的正相關為57%,(d)與(b)的正相關為86%,(d)與(c)的正相關為56%,(d)與(e)的正相關為67%,(e)與(c)的正相關為67%,由實驗結果顯示,本活動單元對提昇學生學習興趣、活動參與度、開放性思考及相關知能有幫助。 關鍵字:STS、食品添加劑、鷹架策略 (二)色素模組 本研究設計以未有STS經驗的國二學生為活動對象(全為男學生,故已排除性別因素),採取鷹架策略與行動研究法,以學生為活動中心,探討此STS模組能否有效激發學生創造力、提昇實驗探究能力及培育決策能力,能否有效扮演科學與社會之橋樑的角色。本單元採取下列活動策略:(1)小組開放討論(2)腦力激盪(3)提出方案(4)實驗設計探究。活動以激發學生創造力為目的,評量學生之變通性、流暢性、獨創性分析能力。結果顯示此活動單元能有效提昇學生上述分析能力,並且顯示學生之流暢性與獨創性分析能力間並無多大關係存在(正相關28.5%)。 活動中學生均能保持高度興趣,在活動後表示喜歡這樣的教學活動,並且不論在作品設計、點子或觀念上皆有創新的表現,活動分析結果顯示此STS活動單元能培育學生各種不同分析能力,如流暢性、變通性、獨創性等分析能力,且有效提供學生不同思考方式,如功能性,抽象性,類推性、經驗性思考方式,在創造力激發上學生也有不錯之表現。因此本活動單元對提昇學生建構知識、分析能力、激發創造力、使學生擁有正確價值觀、社會觀是有效的。 關鍵字:STS、行動研究法、創造力、鷹架策略


(1) Food additive Students without any experience in STS learning participated in food additive STS activity unit under the scaffold strategy.The research was carried out to see if the designing of the STS activity could promote the students’ learning interests,problem-solving ability,knowledge-constructed ability and open-ended thinking.The strategies we used in the activity included : (1) small-group play, (2) role-play, (3) coorperative learning, (4) brain-storming, (5) experiment-exploring. The assessment items were :(1)paper-pencil test (2)participation degree (3)learning attitude (4)open-ended thinking assessment (5)learning dimension assessment. NTNU undergraduates were the object students.Because of the impending teaching practice,they thought the activity could be helpful to cultivate the leading ability of the science exhibition. All the students appeared highly interested learning,expanded the subject matter knowledge to the real life,and there were normal positive correlation among the following assessment items:(a)pre-test (b)statement-making grade (c)content and attitude of disscusion (d)participation degree (e)dimension of thinking:(d) and (a),57%;(d) and (b),86%;(d) and (c),56%;(d) and (e),67%;(e) and (c),67%.The results showed that the STS activity could be helpful to these students promoting the learning interests,participation degree,open-ended thinking and constructed relative knowledge. Key words: STS, food additive, scaffold strategy (2)Pigment Students without any experence in STS learning participated in Pigment STS activity unit under the scaffold strategy and action research.The research was carried out in student-center position to see if the designing of the STS activity could arouse the creativity of the students,promote experiment-exploring ability,decision-making ability, and act the role linking science and society.The strategies we used in the activity included:(1)open-ended discussion in small group (2)brain-storming (3)proposing solutions (4) experimental-designing exploring.The purpose was arousing the creativity of the students and assessing the flexibility, fluency,originality.The results showed that the STS activity could promote the analyzing-ability effectively above-mentioned of the students,and there was quite a little positive relation between the fluency and originality of the students(28.5%). All the students appeared highly interested-learning,and expressed that they liked such a teaching-activity like this.The creative presentations were availabled in works-designing,new idea and new point of view.The results showed that the STS activity could cultivate different analyzing abilities of the students: fluency, accommodation and originality,and it could also provide different thinking direction effectively to the students: functional, abstract,analogic and experenced.There was satisfied presentation in creativity cultivating. The STS activity was able to promote the students’ ability of knowledge constructing,analyzing,creativity cultivating and developing adequate value/social views. Key words:STS, action research, creativity, scaffold strategy




