  • 學位論文


From Ruthless Love to the Capacity for Concern:Using Psychoanalytic Conceptions to Discourse on Emotional Experiences Between the Companion Animal and the Human Being

指導教授 : 鄔佩麗


本研究旨在透過精神分析理論探討同伴動物與人相處的情感經驗,研究方法為質性研究中的自我敘說,並在分析敘說經驗時採取精神分析觀點作為詮釋的理論基礎。本研究透過研究者敘說從七歲至二十八歲間與三隻同伴動物的生命故事,說明飼主在與同伴動物互動時情感經驗的轉變、面對死亡分離議題時的內在經驗,以及外在環境對於個體經驗死亡分離的影響。 研究發現同案動物在與飼主的互動經驗中,飼主自身的情緒經驗發展,以及心理社會發展,會影響個體經驗同伴動物時有全好全壞客體、過渡客體、自體客體與真實外在客體不同的客體關係,然而與同伴動物的互動經驗,亦會協助個體的發展,並非單一的線性關係。這些不同的客體關係,以及飼主自身的發展階段也會影響飼主在面對同伴動物死亡分離時有不同的反應。同時,外在環境的自我強度,以及鏡映能力也會影響飼主對於同伴動物的照顧品質,以及經驗分離創傷後是否能夠繼續與社會保持連結。 研究最後有根據研究結果提出對飼主、飼主的照顧者(如家長)以及臨床工作者對於同伴動物議題的相關建議。同時依據本研究的研究限制,提出對於未來研究一些可進行的方向與建議。


The purpose of the study was to explore the emotional experience between the company animal and the human being. The method of the study was self-narrative and the theories the study used to explain the experience was psychoanalytic theories. Through narrating the life stories with three company animal between 7-28 years age, the researcher discourse on the transition of the emotional experience between the breeder and the company animal, the internal experiences of separating issues, and the importance of the environment on separating issues. The results showed that the breeders' emotional experiences and psychosocial development would make different kinds of object relationship between the breeders and the company animal, like the whole good or bad object, the transitional object, the selfobject, and the real object. However, these kinds of relationship were complicated. These kinds of relationships would also assist the breeders in individual development. Meanwhile, the study showed that that the ego function and mirroring ability of the environment would also make influence on the caring quality of the breeders and the resilience of the breeder after facing the dead of the company animal. Based on the results, there were some suggestions on the further research.


丁興祥(2012):自我敘說研究:另一種心理學。應用心理研究,56 ,15–18。
