  • 學位論文


How to Manage Social Impact with Contract? Analysis of the Logic Model of International Cooperation Program

指導教授 : 鄭勝分


本研究以 Peter Grant(2012)的社會變革理論中的邏輯模式,結合近十年來日益成熟的契約理論不完全情境的文獻探討,在嘗試產生國際社會影響力的個案研究中,針對多方合作過程中的認知差異、口語表達語境的差異作為研究問題,經本研究以邏輯模式分析歸納後發現,初創期計劃除了概念驗證的實踐,風險與影響力之間的權衡與發展空間,是最重要的評估要素。 在建構相同期望的社會秩序與制度建立過程中,每個人在不同的領域所形成的社會經驗,都是協作中的重要基礎;發展期計劃具備較多元的營運策略空間,在合作與協力上更加側重於結果與績效的社會交換。 本次研究將個案另外對照影響力投資的相關文獻,並沒有發現到能夠明確對照的理論模型,推測主因為國內法人與團體的法律規範較為單純,亦無稅制上的獎勵政策模型,使得台灣在相關理論發展適用性不足。


This research was mainly based on the theory of change with logic model by Peter Grant (2012), and the literature review of the theory of incomplete contract. The main issue of the case study under this research concerning international social impact focused on the differences between oral expression and cognitive of multilateral parties. This research concluded that, for the early-stage programs, which were built on the proof of concept regarding the logical model, the key to balance between risks and influence is the attitude of embracing innovation and challenges, which is the cornerstone for facing unknowns and uncertainties. During the development of social orders and systems that are under the same expectations, one of the key foundations of collaboration is the social experiences received by each people from different fields. Programs in the development phase would be with more diversified operating strategies and focus more on the social exchange of outcomes and performance in cooperation and collaboration. With that being said, from the comparison between the relevant literature about impact investment and the case, no theoretical model could be clearly references. The reason of such result may be that the regulations applicable to domestic legal person or organizations are relatively unsophisticated, such as there is no incentive policy model in terms of tax regime. Therefore, the development of relevant theories remains insufficient for Taiwan cases.


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