  • 學位論文


On Li, Ze-hou's Aesthetics of Education

指導教授 : 林逢祺


本論文主要在探討李澤厚的美學理論,及其對教育美學的啟示,美育實施的理論方法等。首先,審視十二年國教總綱中所提的「藝術涵養與美感素養」,綜觀十二年國教課綱下目前美育實施的方向進路。其次,介紹李澤厚的美學理論,其思想主要受到康德、馬克思、黑格爾影響,重要學說包含「自然的人化」、「積澱說」、「美感心理方程式」。再者,李澤厚的美育觀念此採廣義解釋,指人在人生中達成的最高境界,其具體實踐美育的方式,包括塑造永恆的「情感時間」、回歸生活的美育、善用審美方程式的指引、帶領學生認識審美意識與創作方法、掌握「形象思維」的創作規律、培養「形式感」及「敬畏感」的美育過程,以達成美育最高境界「悅志悅神」。最後總結李澤厚的美學觀對教育美學的啟示,包含「教育之美的本質」、「營造教育過程之美」、「教師角色」三部分分述。 總結而言,李澤厚美學理論之貢獻與突破,包含重視「心體」而非「性體」、美學理論探究的重心放在「美的本質」、建構一個「以人為本」為目的的美學觀點、開創具中國文化特色的美學理論,在中國美學思想史上具有重要標誌地位。李澤厚的美學理論對台灣教育也有諸多啟示,他強調實踐、歷史性、文化脈絡、情本體的教育,應用美感心理方程式建構出美育實施可行方法、提升美育境界以達成全人教育、運用形式感、敬畏感、合度、形象思維、意境在資本主義時代,實施注重人情感本體的教育。


This thesis primarily discusses Li Zehou’s theories of aesthetics, their influences on educational aesthetics and the theoretical methods of aesthetic education implementation among others. First of all, the study examines “artistic appreciation and aesthetic literacy” stated in the Curriculum Guidelines of 12-year Basic Education, and reviews the current approaches adopted to implement aesthetic education under the said guidelines. Secondly, it introduces Li’s theories of aesthetics, which are mainly inspired by Kantianism, Marxism and Hegelianism. Li’s important conjectures include “the Humanization of Nature,” “Sedimentation” and “Mathematical Equation of the Aesthetic Psychological Construction.” Furthermore, Li’s concept of aesthetic education, interpreted in a broad sense herein, refers to the highest level of attainment in life. Specific approaches to implementing aesthetic education include the following: shaping timeless “emotional time;” making aesthetic education return to life; making effective use of the guidance of the aesthetic equation; introducing students to aesthetic consciousness and creative methods; enabling students to master the creative rules of “imagery thinking;” providing a process of aesthetic education that cultivates a “sense of form” and a “sense of awe” to achieve the highest level of aesthetic education, i.e., “the sublime” or greatness beyond all possibilities. Finally, the study summarizes the influences of Li Zehou’s aesthetics on educational aesthetics, discussed in terms of three aspects - “the essence of the beauty of education,” “creating the beauty of the educational process,” and “the role of teachers.” The contributions and breakthroughs of Li’s aesthetic theories are summarized as follows. First, Li attaches greater importance to the “heart” than “human nature.” In addition, his aesthetic theories focus more on the “essence of beauty,” aiming to construct a “people-oriented” aesthetic viewpoint. Having developed Chinese culture-based aesthetic theories, Li holds an iconic position in the history of Chinese aesthetic thought. His aesthetic theories also have had a profound influence on Taiwan’s education in various dimensions. He places particular emphasis on practice, historicity, cultural context and emotional noumenon in aesthetic education, constructs feasible implementation methods of aesthetic education using the concept of the Mathematical Equation of the Aesthetic Psychological Construction, elevates the level of aesthetic education to achieve the goal of holistic education, and carries out education that attends to human emotional noumenon in the era of capitalism through the sense of form, the sense of awe, conformity, imagery thinking and artistic conception.



