  • 學位論文


Impact Valuation of the Climate Change on Taiwan’s Soil Conservation

指導教授 : 錢玉蘭


自19世紀末工業革命以來,人類高度經濟發展再加上大量使用石化燃料、改變土地利用方式、及農業活動的發展,使得大氣中之溫室氣體濃度快速上升,導致溫室效應,使地表溫度上升。在近一百年來平均氣溫已上升0.74°C,而近50年平均溫度增加速度約為平均值的兩倍,其影響全球之水文循環及洋流變化造成全球氣候變遷的情況,造成各地出現異常之氣候,甚至釀成災害並造成人類生命與財產的極大損失。 植物有其適生溫度範圍,氣候變遷使大氣的溫度上升,將使其分佈面積改變。由於不同植物對水土保持功能的影響不同,因此本研究欲使用維護成本法,並且利用氣候變遷情況下,台灣森林植群帶分佈範圍之變化,來評估氣候變遷導致水土保持功能改變對自來水淨水廠之淨水成本及水庫清淤成本產生的影響之價值。 本研究利用農委會林業試驗所提供之土壤調查報告資料,以及國立台灣大學全球變遷中心提供之雨量資料,推估台灣森林之水土保持自然生產函數,以探討不同的森林植群帶(包括針葉林、針闊葉混合林及闊葉林)、土壤性質、坡度、以及氣候因子等對水土保持功能 (土壤侵蝕程度) 的影響。研究結果顯示針葉林之水土保持功能最差,闊葉林最佳。 本研究進一步利用全球變遷中心以統計降尺度模擬SRES(special report on emissions scenarios) A2及B2在未來短、中、長期的雨量資料,以及陳朝圳(2009)所推估森林植群帶變遷的結果,求取未來各時期的土壤侵蝕程度,與土壤現況比較即可得知氣候變遷對各期水土保持的影響。 進一步利用自來水淨水廠之變動淨水成本與水質資料推估淨水成本函數,進而得知當自來水原水濁度上升1 NTU時,會增加約0.029元的平均淨水變動成本。而利用台灣水庫清淤成本資料,可求得水庫清淤成本函數,得知每增加1立方公尺清淤量,水庫之清淤成本會增加約91元。藉由此兩實證函數即可將水土保持之變化加以貨幣化,進行經濟損益評估。 研究結果顯示:淨水成本及水庫清淤成本在SRES A2情境下,短期之水土保持效果不佳,會造成損失;中、長期則因水土保持效果提升而為台灣帶來效益。在SRES B2情境下,短、中期之水土保持效果較現況佳,故會帶來效益;長期則會帶來損失。


Since the industrial revolution occurred in the end of the 19th century, people have been utilizing more fossil fuels to develop economy and increase their life standard. However, the accumulation of green gas in the recent hundred years causes atmosphere greenhouse effect-the average atmospheric temperature has risen 0.74°C, the incremental speed of average atmospheric temperature in recent fifty years is twice of the average. The earth hydrologic cycle and ocean current are changed and thus cause global climate changes, which lead to more frequent and severe calamity and damage people’s life and wealth tremendously. Since plants can only grow in their suitable temperature zone, the rising global temperature changes the distribution of forest vegetation in Taiwan. The aim of this research is to investigate how the climate change affects forest vegetation and weakens soil conservation in Taiwan. First, we use soil survey data to estimate the natural production function which explores the soil conservation service provided by different forest types and the other factors. Second, we estimate the water treatment cost function to find out that the marginal water treatment cost of increasing 1 NTU turbidity is about NT$0.029. Third, we use the maintenance cost of dredging reservoir to estimate cost of soil erosion and find out increase 1m3 mud will cost about NT$91. Finally, we simulated the soil erosion costs caused by climate change of SRES A2 and B2 senarios for short-term (2025), medium-term(2055) and long-term (2085). The empirical estimations show that under SRES A2 the water treatment cost and dredging reservoir cost will increase in short-term but decrease in medium-term and long-term. Meanwhile, under SRES B2, the costs will increase for short-term and medium-term but decrease in the long-term.


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