  • 學位論文


The Environment Impact & Cost-Benefit Analysis For Biomedical Waste Disposal Technology

指導教授 : 張四立


依環保署統計資料,生物醫療廢棄物年產量由91年37公噸,逐年遞增,94年高達77公噸,醫療院所生物醫療廢棄物妥善處理率及處理費用之合理性、費率之高低起伏,一直為醫院營運管理者及採購人員存在之疑慮,甚而產生是否合法處理之質疑。 本研究透過國內外相關研究報告及處理機構問卷調查方式,研究生物醫療廢棄物以焚化法、高壓滅菌法及電漿熔煉法三種處理技術,其產生之建設成本、營運成本與不同處理量之成本變化,及以生命週期評估之概念與原則,醫院管理者之角度,探討不同處理方案,產生之成本、效益與對環境之衝擊程度進行分析,提供醫療院所訂定廢棄物處理政策之參考。 研究結果顯示,以焚化法成本最低,其次為高壓滅菌法,成本最高者為電漿熔煉法。依據處理成本,推估於「設計面」、「營運面」及「代表面」三種不同處理量值時,產生之成本變化;處理量愈大,每公斤處理成本亦隨之降低,處理機構營運值達設計值,即處理量最大化其成本最低。 環境衝擊方面,研究結果得知,「高壓滅菌處理為主,焚化處理為輔」及「電漿熔煉處理為主,高壓滅菌處理為輔」對環境友善性最好,其次為「焚化法處理為主」。因此,生物醫療廢棄物最適化處理方法於環境面及社會面等領域,仍有相當大發展探討空間。 生物醫療廢棄物產源及材質組成分析,具再利用價值之廢棄物產值應是可觀的,從廢棄物之材質、分類、回收再利用技術角度深入研擬生物醫療廢棄物回收再利用執行策略,是為醫院營運者永續經營之鑰。


According to statistical data from Environmental Protection Administration, biomedical waste has grown from 37 tons in 2002 to 77 tons in 2005; therefore, the appropriate processing rate and the rationality of the processing fee of biomedical waste in hospitals and clinics as well as the fluctuation of the processing fee are always the questions hanging in the mind of hospital managers and purchasing department personnel; sometimes, they even question about whether the legal disposal is appropriate or not. In this study, through related research reports and questionnaire survey ways from waste treatment enterprises both domestically and overseas, three disposal technologies are studied for biomedical waste, namely, incineration method, high pressure sterilization method and plasma melting method; the studies will mainly focus on the generated construction cost and operation cost as well as the cost change based on different processing quantity; moreover, the concept and principle of Life Cycle Assessment will be based and hospital manager’s view point will be taken to investigate the generated cost, benefit and level of impact to the environment by different processing ways, it is hoped that the result can be used as reference for the hospital in making waste handling policies. The research result shows that, incineration method has the lowest cost and the next is high pressure sterilization method, plasma melting method has the highest cost. Furthermore, based on the processing cost, the cost change generated at three different processing quantities are estimated, namely, “design perspective”, “operation perspective” and “representative perspective”; the larger the processing quantity, the lower the processing cost for each kilogram; when the operation value of the processing organization reaches the design value, that is, the optimization of the processing quantity, the cost will be the lowest. In the environmental impact aspect, it can be seen from the research result that “high pressure sterilization method as the main way and incineration disposal as the assisted way” and “plasma melting disposal as the main way and high pressure sterilization disposal as the assisted way” will be the most environment-friendly; the next is “incineration disposal as the main way”. Therefore, the optimization disposal method of biomedical waste still has large development and discussion space in the fields of environmental and social perspectives. If we analyze from the generation source and material and composition point of view on biomedical waste, it can be expected that the production value of waste with re-use value should be very significant; therefore, it will be the key of sustaining business operation for hospital manager to study the execution strategies of the re-cycling and re-use of biomedical waste from the view points of, for example, the material classification and recycling and re-use of biomedical waste.


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