  • 學位論文


The Study of developing conflict between Jing-Mei night market and Ji-Ying Temple

指導教授 : 王世燁


近年來,景美集應廟為了興建廟埕、牌樓,實行臺北市第三級古蹟景美集應廟經營管理及維護計畫,計畫收回周邊土地,遷移位在保存區的景美夜市攤商,引發與景美夜市之空間衝突。 本研究為了釐清景美夜市與集應廟衝突爭議,先探討景美夜市與集應廟形成原因,瞭解到景美夜市因集應廟發展而來,集應廟為高姓族人之家廟。再經由景美夜市攤商現況調查,證實攤商聚集處由早期景美頂街近景美溪轉往今景美捷運站附近,係因交通系統的轉變。集應廟與其周邊攤商為不定期限之租賃關係,因集應廟欲收回周邊土地,使攤商受遷移,攤商不滿而故意抬高遷移補償費,產生攤商不願意搬遷的衝突。集應廟計畫取得保存區所有產權,但保存區仍有私人產權,產生產權取得困難之衝突。集應廟欲興建廟埕直通景文街,將使景美老街紋理受到破壞,且廟埕空間大,若地方慶典活動不多,恐形成廟埕空間閒置,產生使用空間衝突。 景美夜市的遊客前來消費的同時,吸引遊客到集應廟祭祀,集應廟信徒參拜時,順道到景美夜市購物,景美夜市與集應廟為共存共榮之關係。集應廟見證景美老街的興衰與發展,反映景美夜市的地方重要性。因此,本研究建議保存景美老街,結合集應廟地方家廟,與景美捷運站連結成地方核心。景美夜市各自治會整合成夜市發展組織,與集應廟定期開會決定未來規劃的方向,將廟埕規劃一部分給攤商使用,遇到廟宇慶典,攤商自動休市,使集應廟與攤商能延續共存共榮之關係。


景美夜市 廟宇 夜市 集應廟


Recently, Ji-Ying Temple planned to build the temple court and the monumental in the planning of the Third Class Historic Heritages Ji-Ying Temple management and maintenance plan in Taipei.They planned to recover the surrounding land and move the vendors in Jing-Mei night market in storage area to other place.This led to the spatial conflict between Jing-Mei night market and Ji-Ying Temple. In order to clarify the conflict and controversy, the research discussed the history of Jing-Mei night market and Ji-Ying Temple.We found out the origin of Jing-Mei night market as a result of the development of Ji-Ying Temple. Ji-Ying Temple is a tribe of Kao’s family.By land use survey in Jing-Mei night market, we confirmed that the vendors moved from Jing-Mei Street near Jing-Mei River to now near Jing-Mei station because of the conversion of the transportation systems.Ji-Ying Temple and the vendors were in lease relations without a fixed schedule. Ji-Ying Temple planned to recover the surrounding land and move the vendors, but the vendors turned down and raise the removal expenses. Ji-Ying Temple planned to get the whole land ownership in storage area, but there are some private ownership to cause the ownership conflict. Ji-Ying Temple planned to build the temple court that will destroyed the lines of Jing-Mei Street.If there will be few activities in the future, it will cost the public resources. The tourists in Jing-Mei night market could also came to Ji-Ying Temple to offer sacrifice.The believer in Ji-Ying Temple could have dinner in Jing-Mei night market.Jing-Mei night market and Ji-Ying Temple share profits equitably.Ji-Ying Temple witnessed the development of the Jing-Mei night market and reflected the local importance of Jing-Mei night market. Therefore, the study recommended to preserve Jing-Mei Street and link Jing-Mei Street, Ji-Ying Temple and Jing-Mei Station together to be the local core.Jing-Mei night market every organization integrated into the one development organization, and they held a meeting with Ji-Ying Temple to discuss the planning of the future with a fixed schedule.The temple court in Ji-Ying Temple for vendors to sell, when the celebration come, they take a rest automaticly.It will continue the mutually beneficial relationship of Jing-Mei night market and Ji-Ying Temple.




