  • 學位論文


The Study of the Social Capital on San Hsia Farmers’ Association in New Taipei City: the Perspective of Local Role

指導教授 : 陳金貴


台灣以農立國,而為了能照顧農民因而成立了農會,其中三峽農會即為台灣的第一個農會,擁有悠久的在地歷史。然而隨著國內產業結構的改變,農業產值比率不斷的下降,許多縣市都由農村社會走向了工商業社會,使得以農民為主的農會,其生存遇到了危機,然不論是人口擁擠的都市,或是人口外移嚴重的鄉鎮,其行政區域內都會有一家農會,因此在面對大環境的改變時,農會可善用其地方性,藉由在地方上長期與民眾互動所培養出網絡,以及本身非營利組織而較易獲取信任的特點,為農會組織尋找新的角色定位。 故本研究試從涵蓋網絡、信任、規範等要素的社會資本觀點出發,期望透過社會資本可幫助成員行動,促成組織目標達成的特性來達到研究目的。首先,本研究透過個案分析、文獻分析法來蒐集資料,之後進一步針對重要的內外部利害關係人進行深度訪談與發放社會網絡分析問卷,藉由訪談內容之整理與UCINET的分析,知曉三峽農會的社會資本形成與累積的方式為何,而目前農會(產銷班)在地方產業經濟上扮演何種角色,社會資本在這過程中發揮何種影響,在未來農會又可做什麼。 最終研究發現,(一)農會的社會資本是透過與農會的內外部利害關係人的互動而產生,並藉由不斷的持續互動、情感聯繫、資訊公開、組織認同、層級權威、行動者特性等方式來累積與維持;(二)而在這互動過程中,農會已經成為農業經濟發展的重要推手,而產銷班的成立利於農會對農民的資源傳遞與管理,信用部則是穩定地方金融的重要角色;(三)農會與產銷班在地方上扮演著政府與農民間的橋樑,並以推廣部此節點最為活躍;(四)在這過程中,網絡的形成使資源容易流通與獲得,規範的訂定幫助互動關係的穩定,而信任的產生使利害關係人皆信任農會的決定,這些社會資本所發揮的正面的影響力,讓農會能繼續扮演中介的角色;(五)然而農民老化、青年農民過少與土地問題,使農業產量下降,再加上農會的選舉問題,以及農會不同層級間的資訊未整合,使農會的發展受限;(六)在未來,農民則期待農會持續扶持他們成長,並為他們向政府爭取更多的福利,而政府則期待農會在地方上穩住組織的運作,並好好的實現政府的農業政策;(七)社會資本對於農會的未來角色,在網絡與信任面帶來了較多的正面影響,而規範面則除了正面效果外,也具有負面影響,因此需要謹慎的利用。


Taiwan established the nation by farming. To take care of farmers, the government established the Farmers' Association. And the first one is San Hsia Farmers’ Association. It has a long history. However, the industrial structure change. Many regions transform the industry from agriculture into industry and commerce; even so, whether urban or rural, there certainly has one farmers' association. Facing the external environment change, the association should bring its local strengths into full play, such as establish interpersonal relations with local people, nonprofit organization(NPO) easily accesses the trust, in order to find a new positioning on local role. For this reason, the study tries to use social capital theory, basic elements of which are network, norm, and trust. It expect achieved research purpose through these characteristic of elements , such as encourage people to interaction and promote organization goal achieved. First, through case study and document analysis the study received information about farmers' association, San Hsia farmers’ association, local role of NPO, and social capital. Second, through social network analysis(SNA) and in-depth interviews methods it gain understanding of stakeholders .And let us know that how to nurture and keep its social capital on San Hsia farmers’ association(the agricultural production and marketing group) , what to play the role in local Industrial Economy, how to affect the role by social capital now, and what to play the role in the future. Finally, the results of this study are expressed as follows: 1.Social capital is nurtured by interaction of stakeholders. And it is kept by continuous interaction, maintaining feelings, freedom of information, organizational identity, hierarchical authority, and character of actor. 2.In the development of agricultural economy, farmers’ association play a facilitator role. The agricultural production and marketing group founded is good for farmers’ association to manage farmer and transfer resource. And credit department of farmers’ association play an important role in financial stability. 3.The farmers’ association works as a bridge of network for the connecting government with farmers. In this network, extension department of farmers’ association is most active node. 4.The social capital has positive influence on organizational operation: for instance, the network established is good for gaining and transferring resources. The norm developed helps establishing stable relationship. The trust gained helps the stakeholders to believe policy of farmers’ association. Because of social capital, the farmers’ association can be a mediator between government and farmers. 5.The agricultural output decrease, because of aging of agricultural population, decrease in population of young farmers, and decrease of the arable land. Furthermore, the farmers’ association has problem in election. And resources of inter-organization don’t integrate. Based on these bad situations, development of farmers’ association is restricted. 6.In the future, farmers hope the farmers’ association could help them fighting for rights to the government. The government hope the farmers’ association could stably operate and attain policy goal. 7.Social capital have an impact on different aspects of farmers' associations. The network and trust have positive influence. In addition to the positive influence, the norm also has a negative impact. So the social capital should use cautiously.


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林信廷、莊俐昕、劉素珍、黃源協,2012,〈Making Community Work:社會資本與社區參與關聯性之研究〉,《臺灣社會福利學刊》,第10卷2期,頁161-210。
