  • 學位論文


Explore the Regulatory Functions of Independent Agencies in Taiwan: Case Study of Fair Trade Commission

指導教授 : 陳金貴


公共行政經常需透過政府管制來達成其服務民眾的目標,其政府管制的範疇幾乎已經涵蓋整體的公共行政工作,使得政府管制成為公共行政近年來最重要的手段之一,也成為當代政府施政的常態。台灣有許多的行政機關被賦予其管制的職能,也可常見行政機關使用管制之方式,同時更凸顯了我國行政機關對於管制制度及能力的重要性,因此各項政府管制措施的施行結果,將深深影響政府的施政成效。 我國自2004年通過的中央行政機關組織基準法,承認了獨立機關的組織型態,其在一定程度上所呈現出的結果,亦促成了當代政府職能與角色的重新定位,以及政府與公民社會之間關係的變革。本文是以具有具體管制領域之一的公平交易事務進行研究,透過公平交易委員會此一獨立機關的設立,進一步探討其扮演政府管制功能及角色的變遷。 本研究是採取質化的研究方法,透過深度訪談以及文獻分析的方式,試圖瞭解在獨立機關成立後,我國獨立機關在政府管制的範疇中,其所扮演的角色及所提供的功能,並瞭解管制政體是會依部門、時間的改變而會有不同程度的變化;並且運用正當性、機構和順服三個面向來分析管制政體的管制變遷,有效地發現管制機構之目標、制度或模式的革新,以獲得政府管制職能變遷的相關資訊。


In order to fulfill its goal of serving the general public, public administration is often controlled by government regulation. Categories covered by government regulation have almost completely encompassed the entire public administration, making government regulation the most improvement element in public administration. In Taiwan, many administrative departments are given regulation authorities. So it is easy to observe that government regulation is not only one of the most frequently used method in administrations, but also displays the importance of administrative departments in terms of regulation systems and functions. Therefore, the effects of regulation are going to heavily influence the government’s administration effectiveness. In 2004, Taiwan passed Basic Code Governing Central Administrative Agencies Organizations, which acknowledges independent department’s organizational form. It also led to the redefinition of both government function and characters well as the relationship between the government and the society. This paper focuses on the analysis of the Fair Trade Commission, a department with regulation power. By reviewing the establishment of the independent department Fair Trade Commission, the government’s role change and regulation functions are discussed. This study emphasizes qualitative study method. Through in-depth interview and literature analysis, the roles and functions of Taiwan’s independent departments controlled through government regulations are studied. It is understood that regulation system changes based on different departments and time. Regulation changes are also analyzed through legitimacy, agency, and compliance. Valuable information relating to the changes in government regulation function was obtained through goals of regulation organizations as well as system innovation.


