  • 學位論文


The Study on Railway Heritage Preservation and Reuse of Chiayi Station

指導教授 : 謝潮儀


嘉義火車站歷經整修、擴建等工程,建築本體大致留存,1999年連同第一月台被指定為嘉義市市定古蹟;2000年嘉義鐵道倉庫成為「鐵道藝術網絡」的第二站;2004年行政院核定「嘉義市區鐵路高架化計畫」;2006年阿里山鐵道在一片反對聲中經BOT交由民間業者經營;2007年行政院核定了「嘉義火車站附近地區都市更新計畫」,並於2009年通過結合嘉義火車站附近的林業、鐵道、日式宿舍等優質元素,打造「阿里山林業村及檜意森活村」子計畫。在一片經濟建設、民營化、都市更新的浪潮中,探究嘉義火車站保存與再生的建議策略。   本研究參考國內外案例的關鍵成功因素,並經由實際田野調查與德爾菲專家問卷方式,分析結果發現:  1.政府已對於嘉義火車站附近的文化資產提出了相關保存與再利用的計畫,也挹注了經費開始執行,惟對於相關法令的制定與後續的營運方式等相關配套措施尚付之闕如,期望公部門能儘速完成相關法律,以避免再發生「阿里山三合一BOT」案的爭議,同時也確保鐵道文化資產的真實性與完整性。  2.面對未來的都市更新計畫、嘉義火車站高架化工程,現存鐵道文物恐遭拆除捨棄,若能經由良好的規劃設計加以保存,並融入新的硬體建築之中,不但符合環保省能的概念,同時也表現出新、舊嘉義火車站的交融與傳承,提升新建築裡的歷史與美學價值。  3.嘉義火車站鐵道文化資產再生營運的內容,有維持卅恢復鐵道線營運或是轉化用途為藝術展演空間,未來營運的方式則以民營化或博物館化為主,而無論營運方式為何,都仍需要政府的支援以及民眾的認同與捐款,尤其地方社區應建立對文化資產的共識,並理解自己居住地的文化內涵,文化資產才有可能永續經營。


The existing Chiayi Station has undergone a series of renovation and expansion since 1933. The main body of the construction remains intact. In 1999, Chiayi Station and the first platform were appointed as the historical sites of Chiayi. This study aims to explore factors that contribute to the successful maintenance of historical sites based on foreign models, and adopt field observation and Delphi method to investigate the preservation and reuse strategies engaged to preserve Chiayi Station in response to economic and urban reconstruction. Research findings are stated as follows: 1.The government has proposed projects for maintaining and preserving the cultural assets around Chiayi Station, and also allotted funds to these projects. However, there are still sufficient laws and policies needed to support sustainable management. It is expected that the public sector could establish relevant laws as soon as possible in order to avoid disputes and controversies like “Alishan 3-in-1 BOT,” and simultaneously preserve the authenticity and intactness of railway heritage. 2.In response to the future urban renewal plan, Chiayi Station Elevated Engineering, the existing railway heritage are facing the threat of being dismantled. If they could be preserved and blended into new architectures, the new construction can fulfill eco-friendly concepts, and also transmit the spirits of antique Chiayi Station; therefore the historical and aesthetic values of new architectures will be enhanced. 3.The railway heritage preservation and reuse of Chiayi Station includes maintaining and restoring the railroad business or converting it into artistic performance space. Future business approaches mainly include privatization and museumification. However, regardless of the business strategy, support from government and citizens as well as donation are needed. Furthermore, the development and maintenance of the heritage can only be sustained only if the awareness of communal cultural meaning has been perceived by local citizen.


Chiayi Station railway heritage


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