  • 學位論文


Effect of the Ceramic Coating Surfaces on Biodiesel Droplet Dynamic Behaviors

指導教授 : 吳澤松


目前各國先進汽車製造廠為了全球暖化及溫室效應,持續研發綠色能源和節淨能源替代,補足能源之不足並帶動柴油引擎再進化,為使機動車輛引擎壽命之延長,所以增加其材料的硬度和耐磨性是必要的,但又要易於加工的考量,況且又不能影響其油燃燒動態,又要減輕排放油煙的污染,追求減碳的世界潮流,因此本文以生質柴油及陶瓷鍍膜技術來作為探討研究。 本研究之目的在於探討利用不同生質柴油液滴,撞擊不同溫度與不同材質陶瓷鍍膜之平滑熱板表面及油滴之動態變化現象分析,實驗安排固定油滴高度下改變參數有陶瓷鍍膜熱板溫度及四種油品,是以陶瓷鍍膜之硬化表面呈現,並以V8攝影機及高速攝影機擷取油滴撞擊陶瓷鍍膜熱板影像的實驗方法。 實驗結果顯示:觀測得知此四種(市售柴油、生質大豆柴油、生質棕櫚油、生質廢食用油)油品撞擊任何加熱(300℃~500℃)溫度的四種平滑鍍膜材質《鍍鋅、氮化鋁鈦、氮化鉻、氮化鈦》鐵板時,於撞擊後t=4ms時,得知其油滴擴散終止為最大直徑(dmax);並且得知市售柴油與生質棕櫚油油滴撞擊各溫度之平滑鍍膜鐵板後的動態變化相近;而生質大豆油與生質廢食用油的動態變化也相近。四種平滑鍍膜表面熱板影響油滴撞擊動態變化不大,而油品配合熱板溫度卻是影響油滴撞擊動態變化與殘留油澤及積碳的最大因素。


The purpose of this study was to present their advanced car factories to global warming and the greenhouse effect, sustainable development of green energy and alternative energy section of the net, make up the shortage of energy and drive further evolution of diesel engines. In order to extend the lifespan of motor vehicle engines, the hardness and wear resistance were necessary increased for engine. Moreover, they can not affect its fuel combustion dynamics, and also could reduce the exhaust emission. In this syudy, the effects of biodiesel and ceramic coating surface on the fuel droplet dynamic behaviors were focused. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of different biodiesel droplets, droplet impact different coating materials at different temperatures. The fuel droplet on hot-plate smooth surface phenomenon and dynamic behavior were observed. The V8 camera and high speed camera were used to capture the droplet impact ceramic coating hot-plate images. The result of the experiment revealed that the spread of oil drops would be the maximum diameter (dmax) after diesel, soy bio-diesel, palm bio-oil, or waste cooking bio-oil hit four smoothing and coating (with zinc, TiAIN, CrN, TiN) surfaces of iron plates under 300℃~500℃ and 4ms condition. The dynamical variation of hitting under different temperature conditions on the coating iron plates is similar between diesel and palm bio-oil, moreover, there is also similar result between soy bio-diesel and waste cooking bio-oil. The temperature of these four different iron plates doesn’t affect the dynamical variation of hitting significantly; however, the synchronism of oil and plates would be the main factor of dynamical variation of hitting and residual of oil and charcoal.


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