  • 學位論文


The Relationships between Road Running Women's Leisure Motivation and Flow Experience.

指導教授 : 郭彰仁




休閒參與 慢跑 心流體驗


The study aims to explore the relationships between road running women’s leisure motivation and flow experience. The research objects are road running women and the study is to analyze their characters and sport experiences. The differences on leisure motivation and the relationship on flow experience are also conducted. The convenience sampling and the snowballed sample were both adopted in the study and the questionnaires were conducted online. The leisure motivation scale and the flow experience scale were edited to be the research instruments. A 5-point Likert scale was used. 460 copies of questionnaires were distributed and 417 copies of questionnaires were collected back. The findings show that (1) road running women’s different characters and sport experiences on leisure motivation have a significant effect, (2) by cluster analysis, road running women’s leisure motivation and flow experience have a significant effect, and (3) road running women’s leisure motivation and flow experience have a positive correlation. The higher level of flow experience road running women have, the more positive emotions, challenges, skills, goals, perceptions, sense of time, and sense of action control they may get. Thus, the study suggests that the related units can attract more females to join road running by increasing their leisure motivation when they promote running activities and assist road running clubs. As they can continually join the activity and have the passion, they can enjoy more flow experience brought by road running.


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