  • 學位論文


Research and Implementation of Mobility Management in 4G EPC

指導教授 : 黃紹華


4G核心網路又稱作EPC(Evolved Packet Core),其架構中包含了MME (Mobility Management Entity)、S-GW (Serving Gateway)、P-GW (PDN-Gateway)、PCRF (Policy and Charging Rules Function)等許多實體(Entity),而用戶的手機,又稱為UE (User Equipment),其實就是仰賴核心網路中實體間的信令傳遞來達到上網的目的,這些信令內文格式已描述在第三代合作夥伴計劃(3rd Generation Partnership Project, 3GPP)所制定之各個協議當中,本篇論文便是研究各方文件並從無到有重製這些信令,讓從市面購入之手機與空白之SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) Card能夠和基地台連線,以電腦作為整個核心網路之管理者,管理手機所使用的行動網路,最後達到4G行動上網之目的,並且能夠在多個小型基地台之間進行移動以達到Mobility的基本實作,未來則期望以此實務經驗作為銜接上5G系統的橋樑,為踏入5G時代做準備。


The 4G core network is also called EPC (Evolved Packet Core). Its architecture includes MME (Mobility Management Entity), S-GW (Serving Gateway), P-GW (PDN-Gateway), and PCRF (Policy and Charging Rules Function), and many other entities. The user’s mobile phone, also known as UE (User Equipment), actually relies on the signaling between these components to achieve the purpose of accessing the Internet. The format of these signaling texts has been described in various protocols formulated by 3GPP. This thesis is to study the documents of various parties and reproduce these signaling from scratch, so that the mobile phone purchased from the market and the blank SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) Card can be connected to the small cell. Using the computer as the manager of the entire core network to manage the mobile network used by the mobile phone, and finally achieve the purpose of 4G mobile Internet access, and enable the mobile phone to move between multiple small cells to achieve the basic implementation of Mobility. In the future It is expected to use this practical experience as a bridge to connect to the 5G system and prepare for the 5G era.




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[2] S.-J. Kao, “An Enhanced Handover Decision Mechanism with Fading-aware for LTE Networks,” M.S. thesis, NCHU, Taichung, 2014.
[3] Jyotsna Agrawal, Dr. P. Mor, Dr. J.M. Keller, Rakesh Patel, Dr. P. Dubey, “Introduction To The Basic LTE Handover Procedures,” IEEE International Conference on Communication Networks (ICCN), 2015.
[4] Netmanias Technical Document, “LTE EMM and ECM States,” September 2013.
[5] Netmanias Technical Document, “LTE Tracking Area(TA) and Tracking Area Update(TAU),” August 2013.
