  • 學位論文


A Research of Liang DingMing''s Western Painting in the Period of MainLand China.

指導教授 : 周芳美




Liang Dingming (1898-1959 ) joined the army during China''s Northern Expedition, and was well-known for war painting. Liang’s ancestral home is in Guangdong , however, he was born in Shanghai. His western painting was nourished in Shanghai where of the atmosphere great prosperity of the western painting at the early 20th century , and was launched in the army. This thesis collects Liang’s calendar advertising pictures(Yue Fen Pai)and distributes his lost early western painting works partly, also the historical datas such as he presided over “ Tian Hua Yi Shu Hui ” once , to review the initiation and achievement of Liang’s western painting in the period of MainLand China. The western painting of the various type of painting from portraiture , calendar advertising pictures , sketching from life , propagata cartoon and war painting etc. were created , proves that Liang Dingming''s artistic development was closely related to era. It happened that Liang strode into the field of politics, and had an opportunity to draw the war paintings. Liang Dingming''s war painting was decorated with the practicability propagated, meanwhile , kept the independence with his personal aesthetics too. Reaches the dense integral intergrowth relation with politics during special times in Liang Dingming''s painting , howerver , to the insistance of the personal artistic idea on the basis of the painter, Liang Dingming''s essence relation between art and politics is estranged. Nowadays, the western painting work Xiue Ren Tu that Liang Dingming handed down to posterity is not perfect, but he incorporated the political atmospheres of the times, and adhered to the personal artistic ideal, proves that he was still once paid attention to by the Kuomindang at time when China''s western painting sprouted , and had made the large-scale war paintings which other artists had not tried at that time to draw. So, while reducing the overall picture of the western painting circle of the early 20th century China, Liang Dingming is still a painter that can''t be absent.


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3. Michael Sullivan, Art and Artists of Twentieth-Century China. Berkeley : University of California Press, 1996.
4. Ralph Croizier, Art and Revolution in Modern China : the Lingnan (Cantonese) School of Painting, 1906-1951. Berkeley : University of California Press, 1988.
5. Richard Brilliant, Portraiture. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,1991.
3. 李瑞騰,〈張道藩先生「我們所需要的文藝政策」試論〉,《台北市立圖書館訊》第六卷第一期,1988年9月,頁96-103。
