  • 學位論文


The Study of Construction Excess Soils Management in Taiwan-Taipei County Construction Excess Soils Regulation

指導教授 : 林志棟


1997年行政院為更進一步加強保護環境生態、保障社會公平正義、促進經濟發展、建設綠色矽島,以提升全民生活品質,追求國家永續發展,將1995年成立之「全球變遷政策指導小組」升層級,改組為「行政院國家永續發展委員會」。有關推動綠營建資源再生、再生利用建材產業化,係為前述委員會下國土資源組九大工作項目之一,目前國土資源組主要承辦單位內政部營建署訂定的「剩餘土石方處理法」及行政院環保署以「資源管理角度」及「零廢棄」的全新思維將「資源回收再利用法」與「廢棄物清理法」合併的「新法」正值草案階段,地方政府在營建剩餘物,無專法可用卻又必須負起管理責任的窘境下,對於營建剩餘物的流向、總量僅能以行政規則位階之「要點」作為營建剩餘物管理規範,進行各縣市轄境內營建剩餘物管控。在內政部營建署要求各地方縣市政府依地方制度法規定制訂自治條例的情形下,地方政府管理規範從要點升格為自治條例時,規範內容制訂仍須考量眾多因素。 本研究首先對目前國內外對營建工程所產出營建剩餘物的管理方式、現行法令、營建剩餘物管理規範升格為自治條例的縣市政府進行其規範之比較分析。另外,針對臺北縣在營建剩餘物管理現況、即時監控系統、刷卡系統運用於公共工程營建剩餘物交換的實務經驗進行分析探討,提出建議改善對策;此外,從目前地方政府頒布的自治條例規範架構中,擬定出自治條例規範的評估指標項設計問卷,問卷對象為各縣市政府的營建剩餘物工務部門、環保部門之行政人員及工程業界,運用統計方法分析不同屬性受訪者對單一指標項目的認同度或看法的一致性,提出建議擬訂之條文內容;最後探討目前不同區域的工務部門受訪者對於本問卷所設計之各個指標是否存在著顯著差異,藉由其結果提出台北縣政府在營建剩餘物管理上以及規範制訂上之建議,祈能提供政府相關單位參考,以落實國家資源永續發展的目標。


In order to protect the environment, ensure the social justice, bring about an advance in economy and build the green silicon island, the executive yuan reorganized and set up the “the policy guidance group of the global change” into the “country’s sustainable development committee” in 1997. One of the nine working projects of resource group that relevant green construction resource regeneration and regeneration industry is made by the above-mentioned committee. The treatment of “excess soils” developed by Ministry, and the idea of “resource management” and “no discard” turned into the brand-new opinion of the “new law” of “Resource Recycling Act” and “Waste Disposal Act” is still in draft stage. The local governments have no special law with construction, and are responsible to manage. For the flow of construction remainder, the total amount can only regard “guideline” of the regular location steps of the administration. Under the circumstances that Ministry of the Interior demands every local county and municipal governments to stipulate the situation which makes the prevention in accordance with the law of local system. When the standard management of local government promoted the prevention, specifications must still consider numerous factors. This research is focus on the analysis of the management style and current law of construction remainders, and the standard management of construction remainders in the county and municipal governments promoted as the regulations on the prevention. In addition, the discuss on the application of the public project of the construction remainders management, instant monitoring system and paying by credit card is proposed, and the suggestion improvement is offered. From the issue of prevention of the local government, the assessment index for the design of questionnaire is made. The questionnaire is for all workers on the construction remainders affair department, and environmental protection of department of county and municipal governments. By using the statistical method to analysis, the consistency on the view of interviewee''s identification with single index is forward to work out the suggestion. Finally, the investigation on the difference of questionnaire of engineering affair departments is studied to put forward the proposal on the construction remainders management and specification for Taipei county government. These suggestions are proposed on the reference for relevant government to implement the goal of national resources sustainable develop.


1. 行政院環保署,「營建混合物流向追蹤及再利用推動計畫」,民國94年5月。
2. 內政部營建署,「營建工程剩餘土石方及混合物處理與再利用法制之研究」期末報告,民國93年8月。
3. 石鳳城,「環境保護法規概論」,新文京開發出版股份有限公司,93年2月。
4. 內政部營建署,「九十三年度營建工程剩餘土石方資源回收處理與資訊交流及總量管制計畫」,民國93年8月。


