  • 學位論文


An Efficient Cycle-Accurate Power Analysis Methodology for AMBA System

指導教授 : 劉建男




The communication architecture has become a major source of power consumption for complex System-on-Chip (SoC) design. In this work, we propose an efficient high-level power model for entire on-chip communication architecture using AMBA protocol. The power model of each bus component is created by different methods according to their distinct properties. Look-Up Table method is chosen to construct the power model of arbiter. Equation-based method is adopted in the decoder and some multiplexers. Elman Recurrent Neural Networks are used to learn the power characteristics in the APBif. In addition, our power model can be integrated into RTL simulator to facilitate the power simulation at high-level. The experimental results have shown that the proposed power model can achieve cycle-accurate estimation even for various test benches.


Power Analysis Power Model AMBA Cycle-Accurate


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