  • 學位論文


The Wrinkle Research For Gas Forming 5XXX Aluminum

指導教授 : 李雄


一般常見的超塑成形製程多以平板直接吹氣成形,且成形形狀都呈簡易對稱之形狀,本論文研究之超塑成型飛機機翼整流罩為曲面複雜且幾何外型不對稱之零件,且其深寬比較大,無法使用平鈑吹製製程。解決此問題的方法為在執行超塑成形前先將鈑材進行預成形折彎加工、縮短材料與成形模具之間的成形距離,使工件能順利吹製。為使成品的厚度提升,中央大學超塑成形實驗室與漢翔公司合作開發了新的縮小型測試模具,該模具可使鈑材更貼近模具、提升厚度,以此縮小型模具為基礎,漢翔公司製作了原尺寸的飛機機翼整流罩模具,但是鈑材經此模具吹製後發生了皺摺問題。   為解決皺摺問題,本論文利用中央大學超塑成形實驗室擁有的小型超塑成形機,使用四種不同輪廓的縮小型模具,分別進行折彎實驗分析、折彎-氣吹實驗分析、氣吹成品厚度分析等不同的實驗分析來探討皺摺的形成,並在可能發生皺摺的鈑片輪廓進行簡易的2D有限元素分析。


氣壓成形 鋁合金 皺摺


Superplastic forming manufacturing process usually using metallic sheet direct blow into the mold, the mold shape is usually a simple symmetrical shape. The study spare parts "airliner wing's leading edge fairing cover" is a complex and nonsymmetrical shape spare parts. This spare parts can not using flat sheet gas forming because it have high aspect-ratio. Therefore, mechanically hot bending the flat sheet into V-shape is needed. The bending preforming can effective reduce the forming distance between sheet and mold, then the spare parts fairing cover can be successfully produced. In order to increase the spare parts thinkness, NCU SPF Lab. and AIDC cooperation make a small-size testing mold. This mold can effective increase the spare parts thinkness. AIDC make a full-size mold by small-size mold experimental result, but full-size mold experimental speciment occurring wrinkle in the middle of the speciment. To solve the wrinkle issue, this study using four different contour mold do the bending test, bending-gas forming test and thinkness analysis. This study also do the simple 2D FEM(finite element method) simulation at the speciment that occurring wrinkle.


gas forming aluminum alloy wrinkle


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