  • 學位論文


A Study on Dispute Lawsuit Cases between Engineering Consulting Firms and Public Agencies

指導教授 : 姚乃嘉 楊智斌


近年來公共工程發生爭議後,工程主辦機關多傾向以訴訟方式解決爭議。目前國內有關工程技術顧問公司訴訟爭議之判決在各地方法院已有相當數量,本研究因而蒐集並彙整各爭議案例進行分析,歸納法院判決之理由,並針對爭議發生之原因進行探討,進而提出執行面及契約面之改善建議,以提供未來執行契約時之參考。期望藉此減少爭議之發生,提升工程品質及降低外部社會成本的浪費,並有助於國內公共工程之推動發展。   本研究蒐集「司法院法學資料檢索系統」中,全臺二十一個地方法院有關工程技術顧問公司為公共工程提供設計、監造及營建專案管理等技術服務共133件訴訟之判決案例,並向上搜尋高等法院及最高法院以了解各案例之上訴情形,最後以最終判決結果進行分析。經本研究統計,前開案例平均訴訟耗費時間在地方法院約為13.7個月,若上訴至最終判決約為23.4個月。本研究以原告之請求事由進行爭議態樣分類,若同一案例有多項不同請求事由則拆分為不同案件,將前開案例拆分為156案件,其中以工程技術顧問公司請求服務費用類型之案件數量為最多。本研究進而歸納分析各爭議態樣之判決結果與判決理由後,針對各爭議態樣在執行面、契約面以及制度面提出改善建議與履約應注意事項,並針對公共工程技術服務契約範本提出履約期限、變更設計及終止契約相關條文之修正建議,最後並建議在都會地區設工程專庭以利公平解決爭議。


Public agencies prefer to file lawsuits to courts if construction disputes occur. There are many sentenced cases regarding disputes between the agencies and engineering consulting firms. This research collected and analyzed such cases to conclude the reasons of sentencing, discuss the factors that caused disputes, and to propose suggestions from various perspectives. Results of this research are expected to serve as useful references to all parties involved in public construction projects for reducing future possible disputes, improving quality of the projects, and decreasing possible social costs due to such disputes. This study collected aforementioned cases that are related to design, supervision, and professional construction management tasks performed by engineering consulting firms. The dispute cases were collected from “Law and Regulations Retrieving System” of the Judicial Yuan, Republic of China. There were 133 cases found from 21 District Courts around Taiwan during 2001 to 2013, and all these cases were also traced that appeal to High Courts and Supreme Courts to find their final outcomes. Statistical analyses of these cases reveal that it takes 13.7 months to obtain a sentence in District Courts, and 23.4 months to acquire the final sentence for a dispute case. In addition, it is found that claims regarding extra service fees are the most common cases after segregating the 133 cases into 156 single claim cases. This research further proposes suggestions from the perspectives of project execution, contracting, and claim systems based on the concluded results and reasons of sentencing for each dispute type. Modifications of clauses in the model contract regarding service duration, change orders, and termination of contract are also proposed accordingly. Finally, it is suggested to setup technical courts for construction in the metropolitan areas to facilitate resolution of disputes between the public agencies and the engineering consulting firms.


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