  • 學位論文


Explore the Relationships among Teachers’ Teaching Self-Efficacy of Reading, Self-Regulated Teaching Beliefs, and Classroom Practice for Reading Instruction

指導教授 : 辜玉旻


過去研究探討閱讀自我調整學習多以學習者為研究對象,仍有少數研究以教師為研究對象,探討教師如何培養學生閱讀自我調整學習能力,以課室觀察與訪談進行研究,並提出高閱讀自我調整教學課堂特色,較少以問卷方式探討教師對於閱讀自我調整教學信念與實踐現況。因此,本研究旨在探討國小高年級閱讀教學現況、教師閱讀教學自我效能與閱讀自我調整教學及實踐之關係,研究對象為桃園市高年級導師194位,透過自編問卷探討教師的閱讀教學自我效能、教師閱讀自我調整教學信念與實踐。 研究發現(1)國小教師閱讀教學活動以課文、晨讀與閱讀課為主;(2)國小教師有正向的閱讀教學自我效能,而教師在閱讀自我調整教學面向中「閱讀任務」、「指導支持」、「學生自治」與「自我評估」的教學信念與實踐有顯著差異;(3)高閱讀教學自我效能教師在閱讀自我調整教學實踐表現較佳;(4)教師閱讀自我調整教學信念與實踐各面向之間有顯著關係;(5)教師閱讀教學自我效能與教師閱讀自我調整教學信念對教師閱讀自我調整教學實踐的共同解釋變異量為39.6%。 最後,根據研究發現與結論,對教師、學校、教育單位提出建議,以供參考。


Most researches done to date have focused on self-regulated learners in reading. Only a few researches focus on teachers and explore how to nurture learners’ self-regulated learning ability in reading. These researches conducted classroom observations and interviews and proposed characteristics of a high self-regulated class. However, the questionnaire method was seldom used to explore teachers’ beliefs in self-regulated reading instruction and classroom practice for self-regulated reading instruction. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore elementary school teachers’ teaching practice in reading in 5/6th grade, the relationships among teachers’ teaching self-efficacy of reading, teachers’ beliefs in self-regulated reading instruction, and classroom practice for self-regulated reading instruction. The research participants were 194 homeroom teachers in 5/6th grade in Taoyuan City. Self-Regulated Reading Instruction Questionnaire was designed and applied to explore teachers’ teaching self-efficacy of reading, teachers’ beliefs in self-regulated reading instruction, and classroom practice for self-regulated reading instruction. The results indicated that (1) Elementary school teachers used texts, morning reading, and reading class to teach reading. (2) Elementary school teachers had positive teaching self-efficacy of reading, and there are significant differences between teachers’ beliefs and classroom practice for self-regulated reading instruction. (3) High reading-teaching self-efficacy teachers performed better in self-regulated reading-teaching practice. (4) There is a significant positive relationship between teachers’ beliefs and classroom practice for self-regulated reading instruction. (5) Hierarchical regression analysis showed that teachers’ teaching self-efficacy and teachers’ beliefs explained 39.6% of the variance in classroom practice for self-regulated reading instruction. Based on research findings and conclusions, some implications and recommendations are provided for teachers, schools, and educational authorities as reference.


簡玉琴(2002)。桃園縣國民小學教師自我效能與教學效能關係之研究。國立台北師院 學院國民教育研究所碩士論文,台北市,未出版。
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