  • 學位論文


Designing integrated location-based service of customer experience : a case study of mobile value-added service in Chunghwa Telecom

指導教授 : 陳德釗 張東生


我國自實施電信自由化政策後,行動通信業務因各家業者積極投入而蓬勃發展,至今每百人密度高達118.5%,高度市場競爭已造成傳統行動語音營收急遽萎縮。而隨著行動通信技術快速發展,高速行動上網已漸成為未來主流,因應顧客日益增加之行動上網需求,高額的行動網路建設投資已非藉由行動上網月租費與衰退中的傳統行動語音營收所能回收。   因此,電信業者開始思考如何藉由行動加值業務增裕額外營收,但諸如Apple、Google或Nokia等企業亦開始重視顧客使用經驗之整合,與提供各種使用設備一致性之個人服務,著眼於行動電話可提供之高移動性、高個人化與日益成熟之網路涵蓋及大量潛在客戶,陸續投入相關軟體市集之經營。故電信業者若不思考如何運用既有客戶基礎,提供完整之顧客體驗服務並強化顧客體驗之經營,讓客戶產生使用黏著性,並改造整體服務提供架構,將淪為基礎網路建設維運之底層服務提供者,負責建構完整的產業基礎,卻無法獲取利潤最豐厚之部分。   故本研究將針對最具行動服務概念之適地性服務(Location-Based Service, LBS),整合個案公司現有功能相近卻零散之行動加值服務,藉由發掘及改善現有服務與流程之缺失,打造新形態適地性服務之顧客體驗模型,提供客戶完整體驗之工具與服務。本研究嘗試透過新服務模式提供之良好體驗為出發點,進行消費前、付款與消費後三階段之流程改善,著重於將既有服務缺失優化,並以顧客使用資訊作為往後服務提供之依據,藉由良好之實際使用體驗形成口碑,進而加強使用動機、增加使用頻率,並分享、推薦給其他人,以擴大加值服務之客戶基礎。除此,期望能以整合現有服務、提供完整顧客體驗之觀點,作為未來發展自有行動軟體市集或加值服務之參考與方向。


Since 1997, the mobile telecommunications industry has expanded rapidly in Taiwan owing to a liberalized environment. The penetration rate of the mobile phone has been reached 118.5%. Because of a high level of competition, mobile voice revenue has been declined rapidly. With the development of mobile communication technology, high-speed mobile broadband service has become the mainstream. As the growing consumer demand for mobile internet access service, the investment in network infrastructure can not be recovered only by monthly fee and mobile voice revenue.   Telecom operators in Taiwan try to growing revenue by offering mobile value-added services. However, companies such as Apple, Google or Nokia begin to focus on the integration of customer experience and providing personal service. Furthermore, the companies start to launch their mobile software. Therefore, telecom operators in Taiwan should provide experiential service and manage consumer experience to attract customers. Otherwise, the operators will be responsible for operation and maintenance of basic network infrastructure but can not get large profit from value-added services.   The study is based on location-based service, integrated existing mobile value-added services and improved using process to build a new model. The new system will push information which meets user''s demand according to the profile in the database. People can gain better experience through using new service and build positive word-of-mouth. It helps increase customer satisfaction, loyalty and reference of mobile software development.


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