  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study on the Family Values and Social Network Types of Hakka Ethnic Group: Variance Analysis on Between and Within Groups

指導教授 : 鍾國允 陳欽春


李喬(1998)曾說:重視家庭觀念是客家人的特性之一。本研究即以家庭為起點,旨在探討客家族群的家庭價值觀與網絡參與情形?藉三族群組間比較及客家族群組內比較,以探討客家族群在族群文化脈絡與個人背景之下,對家庭的態度、對網絡的態度是否有所差異。本研究乃是對中研院的「台灣社會變遷基本調查」資料庫第五期問卷資料進行次級資料分析,族群組間以客家、閩南、外省三族群為分析群組,組內則以世代、父親教育程度、南北區域、城鄉差異等對客家族群進行分析討論。透過實證研究發現(1)客家族群與閩南族群的家庭價值觀相差無幾,都比外省族群還要傳統,但在情感面項,三個族群都認同家庭在心中佔有很大的份量。(2) 客家族群並未因為重視家庭,而忽略對其他網絡的經營;但是在功能型社團上,閩南與客家兩族群則明顯表現出態度消極,相較之下,外省族群對於社團的參與,則較為積極。(3) 客家組內比較中,在群體規範方面的價值觀,現代化程度較淺者(六十年次以前、父親學歷較低、居住在鄉村),觀念較傳統。(4) 六十年次以前者、父親教育程度較低者,對於家庭表現出高度重視,但在朋友網絡的經營則不那麼積極;六十年次以後者、父親教育程度較高者,所重視的網絡則恰好相反。(5)南北區域的畫分,對家庭價值觀或對各類型網絡態度並未有所影響。但城鄉差異之下,對教條性質的價值觀有明顯影響,但在本研究中,對網絡態度,差異則不夠顯著。以往的客家族群總被視為與其他族群格格不入,由研究中看到,今日的客家族群,並沒有獨異於其他族群,影響行為、態度,不再是族群,個人背景影響更甚。


城鄉差異 世代 族群 家庭價值觀 網絡


Li Ciao once said, “One of Hakka’s traits is to value family perspective.” This study focuses on family and aims to explore the family values of Hakka and their involvement in social network. By comparing three groups and comparing Hakka groups, this study explores the difference of Hakka’s attitude toward family and their social network under cultural context and personal background. This study uses the questionnaire of Taiwan Social Change Survey (issue five) from Academia Sinica to analyze Hakka, Taiwanese and Mainlander. This study also analyzes the influence of generation, education level of fathers, south or north region, urban-rural difference on Hakka. The results of the study are as the following. (1) The family values of Hakka and Taiwanese are very similar. They are more conventional than Mainlander. But as for the part of affection, the three groups all agree that family plays a big part. (2) Hakka don’t neglect the social network just because of valuing family. However, as for the functional clubs, Hakka and Taiwanese apparently have a negative attitude. Comparatively, Mainlander’s involvement in the clubs is more active. (3) Between the groups of Hakka, for the value of group norm, those who modernize less (born before 1971, have lower-education fathers, live in the country) are more conventional. (3) Those who were born before 1971 and have lower-education level fathers value family very much, but pay less attention to the social network with friends. Those who were born after 1971 and have higher-education level fathers value the social network with friends more, but pay less attention to family. (5) The different regions don’t influence their family perspective and attitude toward different social network. Urban-rural difference influences the doctrinal perspective. However, it doesn’t have significant influence on the attitude toward social network. In the past, Hakka were always incompatible with other groups. From the study, we conclude that Hakka nowadays are not isolated from other groups. People’s behavior and attitude are not influenced by the sense of belonging to the group, but by personal background.


張苙雲(1986),〈社會變遷中各類社會支持系統功能的討論〉,《加強家庭教育促進社會和諧學術研討會論文集》,臺北 : 行政院研究發展考核委員會。
