  • 學位論文


The effect of drop strength on different ABS/PC materials for thin wall injection products

指導教授 : 鄭銘章


本研究利用一薄型平板電腦產品開發設計,機殼厚度1.0~1.2mm之塑膠薄殼,先運用Moldflow 2010模流分析軟體,來避免一些容易產生射出成型缺陷之產品設計,以及運用有限元素分析軟體Abaqus Version 6.7,模擬落下測試時,前框的卡勾是否與下蓋脫落分離或者破壞,分析找出發生可能原因來改善強度不佳之卡勾來強化結構。 實驗中,在落下測試時,針對結構方面,在平板電腦產品角落處容易發生因落下撞擊地面而造成機殼破裂及卡勾斷裂現象,主要探討改善卡勾結構強度,避免卡勾斷裂現象發生。材質方面,在前框原本使用TMB1615(PC+ABS),我們使用不同性質成份之塑膠材料來做實驗,使用SABIC公司生產之C7230P(PC+ABS) / CM6140(PC+ABS) / EXL1414(PC)三種材料與Mitsubishi生產之TMB1615(PC+ABS)做落下測試比較,經實驗發現,C7230P與TMB1615差異不大,改善效果不大。使用EXL1414(PC)結果表現最佳,產品無發生角落處破裂及卡勾斷裂現象,由物性表比較之下,由此證明韌性較高(較高Izod Impact值)的材料較能承受較大的撞擊。 由實驗結果比較,會選用EXL1414(PC)來當改善對策之替換材料,但是EXL1414(PC)縮水率0.4~0.8 %遠大於TMB1615(PC+ABS) 0.15~0.35 %,但因公差關係會造成組立對手件觸控面板玻璃無法裝入之現象,以及加上材料單價成本較高考量,所以還是改採用CM6140 (PC+ABS)來當改善對策之替換材料。


In this study, we use ultra-thin tablet development, the plastic parts wall thickness about 1.0~1.2mm. First use Moldflow 2010 and Abaqus Version 6.7 analysis to identify the hook in front cover will be separate or not with rear cover hook. And the hook will be damage or not. The results show that where the hight risk of the structure. The analysis can indeed improve the structure to perform strong hook connection properties. It can reducing production costs, and accelerates the rapid development of tablet productions. In this experiment, for enhance the hook structure, front cover original material used Mitsubishi TMB1615(PC+ABS), but after drop test ,the hook on device corner has damage. To find out the more applicable material, Try to use another materials like C7230P(PC+ABS) / CM6140 (PC+ABS) / EXL1414(PC). Compare the drop test result about the four materials, The experimental results showed that, the C7230P(PC+ABS) structure strength is around same wih TMB1615(PC+ABS), but the hook on corner side still damage. Try to use EXL1414(PC) material, after drop test, no hook has damage. We found the Izod impact of material is the point of the the product. The results show that the most applicable is EXL1414(PC) material, but the mold Shrinkage of EXL141(PC) is 0.4~0.8 % that more than TMB1615(PC+ABS) Shrinkage (0.15~0.35 %). And consider the dimension tolerance of plastic injection process, it will cause that the touch panel can’t assemble with front cover if use EXL1414(PC) material. And the EXL1414(PC) unit cost is more than TMB1615(PC+ABS). Finally, decided to use CM6140(PC+ABS) material for replace original material TMB1615 (PC+ABS).


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