  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 馬財專


勞委會公布公部門各業臨時人員自2008年1月1日開始適用勞基法後,產生許多對象及校內工讀生是否屬適用範圍之爭議,雖之後該會以函文說明校內工讀生如係由學校提供工作機會,且具有勞雇關係時仍應適用勞基法,惟勞雇關係之有無則採事實認定方式判斷之。然而公立大專院校皆主張學校是提供補助及學習機會讓學生來學習,而非工作,故實務上並無校內工讀生被學校歸類在適用勞基法之範圍。 經訪談後,發現校內工讀類型可分為一般行政處室工讀、兼任研究助理與兼任行政助理等三大類型工讀。該三大類型之工作職務內容、勞動條件及受管理之情形後,發現一般行政處室工讀與兼任行政助理在勞動實踐上,與學校間具有人格與經濟從屬性,故該二類工讀在勞動定位上接近以月或以時計薪之部分工時工作者,與學校間具有勞雇關係,應有勞基法之適用與保障。至於兼任研究助理與學校間之經濟從屬性亦相當明確,惟因工作地點與工作時間較能自行支配,致在人格從屬性之解釋上較具爭議,有少數可能因為研究案與個人論文相同或相關,而影響其對學校之經濟從屬性。 然而法院實務上為保障勞工權益,多採具部分從屬性則認定屬勞雇關係,故本研究建議勞委會應發布解釋令,將公立大專院校之校內工讀生明確納入勞基法適用範圍,如有例外時始採事實認定方式,由地方勞工主管機關評估是否確實工讀生與學校間不存在勞雇關係。另建議在適用勞基法前,學校應建立內部申訴管道,避免工讀生權益受損卻苦無救濟管道、書面訂定勞動契約,避免產生爭議,並進行跨部會溝通並修改相關規定,降低適用勞基法對學校帶來的衝擊;適用勞基法後,學校則應設立專責處理勞動基準法之單位因應。


The Council of Labor Affairs Executive Yuan (CLA) announced that from January 1st, 2008 the temporary employees in certain public sectors (including public organizations, public educational training services, public social welfare organizations, public and academic research organizations, and public arts industry, etc.) are applied to Labor Standards Act(LSA). However, the scope of temporary employees in the public sector is imprecise, and it is not definite for the students working on-campus, too. Six months later, CLA explained that if the jobs are offered by schools, the part-time working students should be applied to LSA when there is employer-employee relationship between them, but the relationships has to be acknowledged by colleges. In practical, all colleges claimed they are just offering grants and vacancies for students to learn, but not offering jobs. Thus, none of students work on-campus is considered as an employee applied to LSA. After interviewing with students working on-campus, work study manager in colleges, the officers in labor affairs bureau of local governments, this research found the work study on-campus generally can be divided into three categories: the work study in administration departments, part-time research assistants, and administration assistants in academic departments. From the view of economic and personality subordination, the status of work study in public colleges is close to part-time worker. Therefore, the students working on-campus should be applied to LSA. However, those part-time research assistants who are conducting research related to or the same with their own thesis, make their economical and personality subordination to colleges critical. To ensure the rights of labor, most of court in Taiwan claim employer-employee relation, if there is subordination. Therefore, this research suggests CLA should apply the LSA to all the students working on-campus. In addition, all colleges should implement a system to manage work study disputes, sign labor contract in written form to avoid disputes before applying to the LSA, and assign a section to manage all the related affairs after applied.




