  • 學位論文


Aboriginal Writings in Tsushima Yuko’s “Amariniyabanna” and Shih Shu-Ching’s “Dust In The Wind”

指導教授 : 楊智景


台灣脫離日本殖民統治已逾六十年,國民政府來台之後,對於台灣被日本殖 民的歷史採取抹除的態度,而歷史的大敘事也因而破碎、錯亂,甚而不得不被「虛 構」、被「創作」。在這些「創作」底下,又同時照映當權者的史觀及意識型態, 例如在主流的歷史敘事中,台灣原住民、女性經常被邊緣化,甚或被對立、鏡射 成相對於擁有敘事權力族群的他者。 既然史料可被虛構而歷史也可能被創作,最為純粹的史料不可能存在,那麼 藉由文學反映歷史,亦不失為一種補足不斷失落的台灣日治史及被邊緣化的台灣 原住民史的方式。本論試圖從經常被邊緣化為他者的「原住民」、「女性」作為視 角,探討台日當代文學對於台日殖民史的關照,以及對於台灣原住民的書寫方式 及其差異。具體而言,本論藉由相對於原住民主體的他者之文本─津島佑子《太 過野蠻的》、施叔青《風前塵埃》來探討上述問題,並聚焦於兩位當代女性作家 對歷史以及族群的照看,進而比較二人在創作上的關懷主題與書寫策略之差異。 兩個文本的主題在於「暴力」,父權暴力之於女性、家國暴力之於人民、帝 國暴力之於殖民地,皆有著相近的心理機制。而相對於津島佑子《太過野蠻的》, 施叔青《風前塵埃》強烈地展現對台日殖民史的歷史意識,刻意運用史料、史實 進行事件的「再重述」;而津島佑子則以幻境描寫殖民史中的帝國與父權壓迫, 刻意將日/台、男/女、母/子、父/女等關係模糊化並進行各角色間的連結錯置, 進而達成解殖,台日殖民史的傷痛記憶隱喻著各種邊緣族群的受迫和困境。


Sixty years after Japanese-occupied period terminated, the colonial history in Taiwan has been wiped/deleted by Nationalist Government. The Grand Narrative in contemporary history has then crumbled into chaotic patchworks and has even been “fictionalized” and “invented”. This fictional history simultaneously reflected the standpoint of the official authorities and the particular historical viewpoint, further marginalized the aborigines, who possessed no right to narrate, in Taiwan as “the barbaric Other”. Since the historical materials could be fictionalized and the history could be invented, analyzing a literary text provides a way to assemblage Taiwanese colonial history, marginalized aboriginal history and the voiceless female. This study attempted to present how a female writer, who presents a similar marginalized identity in the patriarchy society, illustrated Taiwanese aborigines and the history during the Japanese-occupied period. Based on the sequence of prior studies, one intended to organize how previous writers portrayed the colonial history, their main focus and the ideology. Then move on to further discussion over Tsushima Yuko and Shih Shu-Ching „s historical viewpoint and ethnic care.This thesis aimed to discuss the aboriginal writing consciousness in “Amariniyabanna” which was composed by a non-aborigine female writer, Tsushima Yuko, compared with Shih Shu-Ching‟s “Dust In The Wind”. One determined to study the individual aboriginal writing and search for the mutual theme and aboriginal care through comparative textual-analysis.


Janet Wolff 著,黃筱茵譯,〈重新上路:文化批評中的旅行隱喻〉,(《中外文學》
