  • 學位論文


The Improvement of Spiritual Health of the Elderly due to Participation in Regular Qigong Activities: A Case Study of Elderly Practitioners at Tai Ji Men

指導教授 : 胡夢鯨


本研究旨在探討太極門高齡師兄姊參與氣功研修活動對靈性健康促進的情形,研究目的主要有四項:一、探討太極門高齡師兄姊氣功研修的動機;二、探討太極門高齡師兄姊氣功研修的歷程;三、探討太極門高齡師兄姊參與氣功研修活動對靈性健康促進的情形;四、根據研究結果提出具體建議,作為高齡者氣功研修及靈性健康促進之參考。為達上述研究目的,本研究採用半結構式訪談法,以立意取樣及滾雪球之取樣方式,訪談10位60歲以上以及入門年資兩年以上的太極門高齡師兄姊。首先就國內外氣功及靈性健康之相關文獻進行探討,針對太極門的歷史淵源及氣功研修現況內容與問題進行分析,以體驗學習理論為基礎,藉由氣功研修動機、歷程、以及靈性健康的五大面向作為瞭解太極門高齡師兄姊靈性健康促進的情形,並探討氣功研修的持續動力來源及未來期許等,以此架構進行本研究之訪談大綱的編製,最後獲致研究結果,並根據研究結果提出具體建議。綜合文獻探討及研究結果,本研究獲致研究發現、結論及建議如下: 壹、研究發現 一、太極門高齡師兄姊氣功研修有五大動機,為了身體健康為第一大因素 二、太極門高齡師兄姊氣功研修首重穩固研修,其次參與館務義工是成長的契機 三、太極門的動功可紓壓練身體;靜功可靜心反省生智慧;文功、神氣家族網 站、講座及談心分享人生智慧;唱功及練陣可洗心、培養歡喜心及超越心; 集中研修凝聚師徒心練就太極門真功夫,更是太極門精神的展現 四、太極門高齡師兄姊每日在家平均練功至少半小時左右,最常做的功法為守丹 及打坐,讓自己能靜心與自省 五、太極門高齡師兄姊對氣功的體會認為氣就是一種能量與磁場,練功要鬆、靜、 自然及歡喜並培養正心、正念與正氣,才能產生正面能量 六、參與氣功研修活動後在身體及心理方面的改善皆獲得正向的肯定 七、參與氣功研修活動後能瞭解、省思及實踐生命的目的與意義 八、參與氣功研修活動後能運用轉念及正向思考提升內心的應變力 九、參與氣功研修活動後能產生天地萬物的一體感,追求和諧圓融的人生 十、參與氣功研修活動後能不斷超越自我,勇敢突破與挑戰 十一、參與氣功研修活動後能不斷開發潛能與提升正向能量的心靈成長 十二、太極門高齡師兄姊氣功研修持續動力來源主要是與師父一輩子的師徒情誼 十三、太極門高齡師兄姊每天要歡喜自在修己渡人,最後無罣礙的走向歸原之路 貳、結論 一、太極門高齡師兄姊氣功研修有五大動機,包括為了使身體可以得到健康;家 人的支持與鼓勵;藉由氣功研修修改脾氣;未來能自己照顧自己,活得更有 尊嚴;找到大家族一起練功的好地方 二、太極門高齡師兄姊氣功研修歷程首重穩固研修;其次是積極參與太極門氣功 研修活動及館務義工工作,在每日務實練功中透過鬆、靜、自然及歡喜,累 積源源不斷的正向能量 三、太極門高齡師兄姊參與氣功研修活動後可以促進靈性健康,包括能實踐 生命的目的與意義,運用轉念提升內心的應變力,產生天地萬物的一體感, 不斷超越自我以及提升正向能量的心靈成長 叁、建議 一、對太極門高齡師兄姊的建議 (一) 要多練功、穩固研修、常來道館並積極參與館務義工及氣功研修活動; (二) 每天在家練功至少半小時,藉由守丹及打坐讓自己能靜心及自省; (三) 不斷超越自我、歡喜自在修己渡人、實踐由小愛走向大愛的修行之路。 二、對太極門氣功研修團體的建議 (一)太極門弟子要努力弘揚,讓太極門道館能遍地開花; (二)全省各道館陸續增加白天氣功研修的時段; (三)各道館要鼓勵師兄姊多參與氣功研修活動及館務義工,開發天賦潛能。 三、對輔導師兄姊的建議 (一)輔導師兄姊要能傾聽高齡師兄姊的分享並瞭解其需求; (二)輔導師兄姊要能不斷地精進學習。 四、對其他高齡氣功研修者的建議 (一)要跟對明師; (二)參與具有中心思想及理念正向的氣功研修團體; (三)要能持之以恆、精進學習、傳承文化、經驗與智慧。 五、針對研究對象及研究方法提出具體建議給後續研究者。


The study aimed to investigate how elderly practitioners at Tai Ji Men (TJM) participating in its regular Qigong activities improved their spiritual health. Four purposes of the study are as follows: first, to investigate what motivated elderly practitioners at TJM to participate in regular Qigong activities; second, to discuss the process of regular Qigong activities of elderly practitioners at TJM; third, to explore the improvement of spiritual health of elderly practitioners at TJM after joining regular Qigong activities; fourth, to propose specific suggestions based on the study’s findings as a reference to the elderly regarding regular Qigong activities and the improvement of spiritual health. To achieve the aforementioned purposes of the study, semi-structured interviews were conducted and purposive sampling and snowball sampling were adopted to interview 10 elderly practitioners at TJM who were at least 60 years old with at least two years’ seniority at TJM. National and international literature on Qigong and spiritual healthy was discussed at first, and the history and origin of TJM along with its current situations and issues were analyzed. Based on the Experiential Learning Theory, the improvement of spiritual health of elderly practitioners at TJM was examined through the discussion of motivation of joining regular Qigong activities, the process, and the five aspects of spiritual health. The sustained driving force and future expectations of joining regular Qigong activities were also discussed. The interview outline was accordingly formulated under this structure. Specific suggestions were proposed based on the findings of the study after they were obtained. With the integration of literature review and the results of the study, the following findings, conclusions and suggestions are presented. I. Findings 1. There were five major motivations for elderly practitioners at TJM to participate in regular Qigong activities; the greatest motivation was to have good health. 2. Elderly practitioners at TJM prioritized steady practice in regular Qigong activities, while the second priority was to participate in TJM’s branch affairs for growth. 3. TJM’s Dong-gong (dynamic Qigong) helped relieve pressure and train the body; Jing-gong (still Qigong) helped people to calm, reflect and grow wisdom; Wen-gong (literary ability), TJM Energy Family website, workshops and exchanges shared people’s life wisdoms; Chang-gong (singing) and group practice helped cleanse people’s mind and develop a heart of happiness and a heart of excellence; gathering altogether for the activities connected the minds of practitioners and the shifu (master), allowing them to achieve real TJM kong-fu and even demonstrate the spirit of TJM. 4. Averagely, elderly practitioners at TJM practiced Qigong activities for at least 30 min per day at home; the most frequently practiced were Shou Dan (Keeping Dan-tien) and meditation, which helped bring calmness and allow introspection. 5. Elderly practitioners at TJM experienced Qigong and considered “qi” a kind of energy and magnetic field; practicing Qigong activities required relaxation, calmness, natural manners and joy so as to develop uprightness, mindfulness, righteousness, and in turn a positive energy. 6. After joining regular Qigong activities, one’s improvement of physical and mental health was well recognized. 7. After joining regular Qigong activities, one could realize, reflect, and practice one’s goals and meanings of life. 8. After joining regular Qigong activities, one could enhance the flexibility by thinking better with positive ideas. 9. After joining regular Qigong activities, one could feel the sense of unity of the universe and then pursue a harmonious life. 10. Participating in regular Qigong activities allowed one to surpass oneself constantly, achieve breakthroughs and overcome challenges bravely. 11. Participating in regular Qigong activities developed one’s potential constantly and brought spiritual growth with increased positive energies. 12. The sustained driving force for elderly practitioners at TJM to join regular Qigong activities mainly came from their lifelong friendship with the shifu. 13. Elderly practitioners at TJM should be joyful and at ease, cultivating self and helping others; in the end, they shall head to the road of the start without any apprehension. II. Conclusions 1. There were five major motivations for elderly practitioners at TJM to participate in regular Qigong activities: having good health; family members’ support and encouragement; changing one’s temper through regular Qigong activities; being able to take care of themselves in the future and live with greater dignity; and having a good place to practice Qigong activities with a big family. 2. Elderly practitioners at TJM prioritized steady practice during the process of regular Qigong activities; the second priority was to actively take part in those activities and TJM’s branch affairs, and constantly accumulate positive energies through everyday’s solid practice with relaxation, calmness, natural manners, and joy. 3. After elderly practitioners at TJM joined regular Qigong activities, their spiritual health could be improved; they would be able to realize their goals and meanings of life, enhance their flexibility by thinking better, generate a sense of unity of the universe, surpass themselves constantly, and bring spiritual growth with increased positive energies. III. Suggestions 1. Suggestions for elderly practitioners at TJM: (1) Practice frequently and stably; visit the branch often and actively join the branch affairs and regular Qigong activities. (2) Practice Qigong activities for at least 30 min per day at home; calm your heart and do introspection through Shou Dan (Keeping Dan-tien) and meditation. (3) Surpass self constantly; be joyful and at ease by cultivating self and helping others; walk on the spiritual path from practicing individual love to great love. 2. Suggestions for TJM’s Qigong activity community: (1) Followers of TJM shall be dedicated to glorifying it and extend its branches across the globe. (2) National TJM branches shall increase daytime periods for Qigong activities. (3) All TJM branches shall encourage practitioners to participate in regular Qigong activities and branch affairs to develop their talent and potential. 3. Suggestions for the mentor practitioners: (1) Mentor practitioners shall be patient in listening to elderly practitioners’ sharing and understanding their needs. (2) Mentor practitioners shall advance their ability through continuous learning. 4. Suggestions for other elderly Qigong practitioners: (1) They should follow an enlightened shifu. (2) They should join a Qigong activity community that has a core idea and positive philosophy. (3) They should be persistent in practice, advance themselves through learning, and pass down cultures, experiences and wisdom. 5. Specific suggestions regarding subjects and the methodology were proposed for future researchers.


張淑美(主譯)(2007)。John P. Miller著。生命教育─推動學校的靈性課程。
