  • 學位論文


Analysis of the Aboriginal Higher Education Policy and the Willingness for Higher Education

指導教授 : 蔡允棟


本研究旨在瞭解原住民高等教育政策,並探討原住民學生升學的原因,包括個人、家庭、學校與原住民高等教育政策認知等四個影響因素。 本研究採橫斷探討性的調查設計,方法有訪談、郵寄以及自填問卷等。問卷調查採用隨機抽樣方法,以台灣大專院校之原住民相關學生社團成員為研究對象,共取得9間大專院校143份有效樣本,並訪問16位受訪者,包括政府官員、專家學者、高中輔導老師、學校社團社長等,訪談資料用以驗證、支持與解釋統計分析結果。 本研究結果發現原住民高等教育政策主要問題有:高流失率、人才分布不均、人力需求契合落差以及缺乏族群認同的困境。其次,雖然原住民升學保障政策發揮了培育人才管道的效用,卻也成為原住民學生求學過程中無法擺脫的福利烙印。 此外,影響原住民學生升學意願的因素包含:個人(學習動機,學業成績,升學性向和文化認同),家庭(手足數、經濟資本、文化資本與社會資本),學校(教學環境、教師同儕影響與學校文化),制度(大學普及化),以及原住民升學保障政策(經濟補助政策、鼓勵升學政策)。最後,父母的教育態度在升學影響因素中所得分數最高並具有較高的解釋力。


This study examines the higher education policy for aboriginal college students, and explores the reasons of aboriginal students why they go to university. There are four variables investigated, including individuals, families, schools and the awareness of aboriginal higher education policy. A cross-sectional exploratory survey design is employed; methods include interviews and mailed, self-administered questionnaires. Survey questionnaires were administered by random sampling to the members of aboriginal-related student clubs within 9 colleges in Taiwan. There were 143 valid samples collected, and meanwhile, totally 16 persons interviewed, included government officials, experts and scholars, senior high school guidance officer, president of student clubs. Interview data are used to verify, support, and explicate the statistical analysis findings. Results indicate that the major problems of aboriginal higher education policy include: high turnover rate, the uneven distribution of talent, manpower demand gap, and lack of ethnic identity. Then, although affirmative action policy for aboriginal high school plays a role of training talent resource, aboriginal students themselves cannot get rid of the identity of the welfare brand in college. In addition, the key reasons of aboriginal students why they go to university include: individual (learning motivation, grade, aptitude of further studying, and V cultural identity), family (Number of siblings, economic capital, cultural capital, and social capital), school (teaching environment, teacher and classmates, and school culture), institution (popularization of the university policy), and affirmative action policy for aboriginal school ( the policy of economic subsidies and encourage further studying). Finally, parents’ educational attitudes scores the highest Beta weights and explains most of the variability in survey.


吳慧瑛,2007。〈家庭背景與教育成就:五個出生世代的比較分析〉。《人口學刊》,第34 期,頁109-143。
